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又过三月余,钱太婆不行了。After March, not money woman.

我可以让太婆看我表演体操。I can show Nanny my gymnastics.

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“我们只是想帮太婆,妈妈,”埃莉诺反驳说。"We just want to help, Mom, " Eleanor retorts.

钱太婆已经被人扶了出来,坐在椅子里。Money woman has been holding out, sitting in a chair.

孩子们在绕圈圈,她们对太婆流泪已司空见惯。The girls mill around. They are used to her tears by now.

“太婆,看,香水,”埃莉诺举起了一瓶香水。"Look, Nanny, perfume, " Eleanor holds up a bottle of cologne.

曾音和谭香就开始布置钱太婆的生日了。Ceng Yin and Tan Xiang began to arrange money woman 's birthday.

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曾音就建议他去认敬老院的钱太婆为娘。Ceng Yin advised him to recognize the home money woman as mother.

说来也巧,钱太婆的生日就在农历九月初九。Funnily enough, money, woman 's birthday is in September of the lunar month.

她把袋子拽得大开,好让太婆看到里面的东西。She pulls the bag open wide so her great-grandmother can see inside. "Oh, my favorite."

自从父母移民后,荞与感情要好的太婆相依为命并找到了自由。After her parents immigrated to overseas, she finds her freedom by living with her beloved grand-grand mother.

陈响那些天确实有点忙,而且,钱太婆的生日也快到了,就集中精力过生日吧。Chen Xiang is a little busy these days, but the money, her birthday is coming soon, will concentrate on the birthday.

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陈响在给钱太婆做生日的活动中,究竟收到了多少钱财,曾音不会向外界透露,我们当然也无从得知。Chen Xiang gave money woman birthday event, actually received a number of money, Ceng Yin is not revealed to the outside world, of course we don't know.

陈响来了,见钱太婆唠唠叨叨的不停地说着什么,没有人能够听懂,而且,唾涎长流,身上散发着臭味,也不耐烦了。Chen Xianglai, money talk nineteen to the dozen the woman kept saying anything, nobody can understand, moreover, saliva flow, gives off a smell, and impatient.