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新异独创的大众化风格,使赵树理成为名动一时的人民作家。Special and popularize Style made him become the top writer.

是引导、启发、鼓励幼儿创造新异的作品。Is to guide, inspire and encourage children to create new works vary.

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这为寻找新异杀虫晶体蛋白基因开辟了新的思路。This example indicates a new way of finding new insecticidal crystal protein.

可以说,现存的状况总是在被新异之物所超越。The existing conditions are always being transcended by the new and the different.

昆德拉的小说以─幅极为新异的形式出现于小说天地并特立独行于世界文坛。Kundera's novel to a very novel form of heaven and earth in the fiction and literary maverick in the world.

要回答这个问题,得先知道人类对新异刺激的适应是多么地快。Answering this question is all about understanding how quickly humans adapt to new and exciting experiences.

周六的比赛中虽然人员不少。你不可能真的按着那个不可替换的表格来选人。但这就使得球队没有新异了。Our squad was not lacking on Saturday. You can't really cater for that absentee list. But it was left threadbare.

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标新立异的基础是所标立的新异符合事物发展的规律。The basis of doing something unconventional is that the unconventional should accord with the rules of development.

对新异物,大多数黄胸鼠需要4天以后才可能降低机警性而大胆取食。The food consumption tests showed that most of rats need at least 4 days to olear up suspicion and take bait boldly.

研究发现,情绪可增强被试对情绪事件的注意强度,尤其是新异的情绪内容较易得到识别。Studying results suggest that emotion can enhance attention intensity and novel emotional stimuli can be detected more easily.

工业带来了强有力的生产力,技术的提高,材料的多样化,各种新异汹涌而出。Industry has brought strong productivity, improvement oftechnology, material diversity and emergence of various new and strange things.

这些极具创造力和想象力的复合词以其新异之组合给现代英语词汇增添了亮丽的色彩。These creative and imaginative compound adjectives have colored the English vocabulary with their fresh and distinguishing combinations.

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这种恐惧肯能来源于不能胜任新异想法,来源于担心别人是否会喜欢你的作品的不确定性,也能来源于从头开始而又不知道从何开始的迷茫。This fear can come from not being able to think of anything new and different. It can be from not knowing if others will like your work.

它作为一个新生的小说创作群体,以创作主体独立的生存姿态,新异的写作内容而备受关注。As a new-born novel-creating group , with the independent life style of the main body and the new strange writing contents, it gets more attention.

她的结构新异的小说文本及其艺术特质具有独特的审美意蕴,折射出其情绪和情意的光辉。Her novels, with special structure and art characteristics, present the special aesthetic implications, which reflect the brilliance of mood and emotion.

联想启动效应,又称作对新异联系的启动效应,是指对新近形成的联系的内隐记忆。Priming for new associations, also called associative priming, refers to the implicit memory for newly formed associations between different stimuli or the features.

人们应该永不满足于他们业已拥有的一切,并应该永远去追求新异之物,这似乎是人类本性中所固有的一个倾向。That people should never be satisfied with what they have and should always strive for something new and different seems to be a propensity inherent in human nature.

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出现这一现象的原因很可能是因为这些伊斯兰器形适应了永乐、宣德皇帝好慕国外新异的需要,而当时的这些中东器形也已被介绍到了中国。The explanation must be that the Islamic shapes satisfied a taste at the court of Yongle and Xuande for the exotic, foreign works of art which were then arriving in China.

他们的产品被认为可以取代原本由发光棒,发光二极管和其他照明光源成为执行的安全,紧急或新异照明任务的新选择。Their products are expected to be used to replace other forms of safety, emergency and novelty lighting duties normally performed by glow sticks, LEDs and other light sources.

纳米材料由于具有与体相材料不同的新异物理与化学性质,在可再生能源、环保等领域具有特殊的应用。Nano-materials with novel physical and chemical properties different from bulk materials, become more important in the fields, such as renewable energy, environmental protection and so on.