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为了赶早班车,他起得很早。To catch the early bus, he got up very early.

我儿子总是匆匆忙忙赶早班车。My son is always in a hurry to catch the morning bus.

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他们赶早而来以便能有个好座位。They arrived early in order that they might get a good seat.

你们赶早打扫两间屋子叫他们歇歇儿去。Hurry up and clear out a couple of rooms where they can rest.

为了赶早车,今天早晨我起床很早。I got up early this morning in order to catch the early train.

我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。I intended to catch the early train, but I didn't get up in time.

要想赶早班车,我们就得在5点钟以前起床。If we mean to catch the early bus, that means getting up before five.

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我赶早来上课,以便早点看到我旁边的同学。I came to the class early so that I could see the classmate beside me.

又要赶早班机去印第安纳,但是一下飞机就钻进健身房了。Early plane to Indiana. Got off the plane, went right to the gym for practice.

而上周开始,羊锅村里已有不少赶早尝鲜的食客。Since last week, many people have gone there to taste the pot earlier than the mass.

企业现在就应该改变系统开发方法,赶早不赶晚,越早的企业走得越快。Organizations that change their system development methods now, versus later, will get there faster.

芝加哥秋季清晨,城市远景,地铁列车,赶早上班的车流。Early morning in Chicago, IL, USA. Silhouette of buildings, Metra train and running cars on highway 290.

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所以,如果你不想得皮肤癌,去日光浴沙龙的话就得赶早—最好不要去。So if you want to avoid skin cancer, probably go to the tanning salon early—or better yet, don't go at all.

所以他赶早开展宣传为自己大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。Sohes out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him.

对于上班族来说,一天中,赶早上班,虽使人慌忙火急,可那是因为你没有失业。For office workers, day, catch the early work, while people hurried Huoji, but that is because you do not have jobs.

但是我在这里住是因为第二天要赶早航班,所以这将是我最后一次在这里住。But anyways, I stay here simply because I have an early flight the next day, so that would be the only time I would stay here again.

这种感觉就像赶早航班的前夜没睡好一样,你不断地想你要睡过头了,然后惊慌失措地醒来。It's like having the bad sleep the night before an early flight, when you keep thinking you're going to oversleep and wake up panicked.

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圣诞早晨赶早回来时,他们第一次突然意识到龙卷风正向达尔文袭来。Returning in the early hours of Christmas morning, they suddenly understood for the first time that the cyclone was going to hit Darwin.

所以基本上在复习的全过程,我是抱着“赶早不赶晚”的态度来准备的。The whole process that basically reviewing so, I am to be being held in the arms " drive do not drive evening early " the mood will prepare.

那些骑单车赶早求学的日子也许再也不会回来了,我斜靠在14路后排的坐椅上,听歌,看小自己的学弟学妹们红着脸去上学。Those on-bike-days have gone. I sat on the back seat inNO14 with listening music. Brothers and sisters go to school with red faces like apple.