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泽克西斯眼睁睁的看着他的战士溃败…Xerxes watched as his warriors were defeated.

溃败的部队在山脚下重新聚集在一起。The defeated troops regrouped at the foot of the hill.

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远征军的大溃败给一切人都带来严重影响。The ref FSV mainz give all brings the serious influence.

伊拉克溃败之后,所有的索赔都要仔细审查。After the Iraq debacle, all claims must be examined closely.

中国的军事史充满了溃败。Chinese military history is filled with turn and flee actions.

围城之急解除了,令狐潮的军队溃败逃离。The siege was lifted and general Linghu's army fled the field.

在二十年中,可能会发生法式风格的向内腐烂溃败。In a couple of decades there could be a French-style implosion.

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在战争的头几个小时中,整师就彻底溃败了。An entire division was routed during the first hours of the war.

守城的民兵们开始溃败了,将军。自由港就要属于我们了。The Militia is falling back, General. Freeport will soon be ours.

什么时候碳市场会被淘汰或溃败还不清楚。It's not clear at what point this will turn into a cull or a rout.

人类杰克看着塞弗里奇和他整个溃败的团队登上航天飞机。HUMAN JOSH watches as Selfridge and his whole corrupt outfit board the shuttle.

精锐部队到达战场,预兆着德军的溃败。The arrival of the crack troops in the battle field augured ill for the Germans.

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同时也预示了腐朽的教会的溃败,从高处狠狠的崩溃坠落“And by occasion foretells the ruin of our corrupted Clergy, then in their height."

在盲目沉浸入爱情的几天后,你被劈头盖脸地告知自己的溃败。Immersed in blind love a few days later, you get to his face to inform their rout.

八国联军溃败,西方势力调停并结束了这场叛乱。The rebellion failed, however, when Western powers intervened and stopped the revolt.

我们不应该一起航行,无论如何。你能够带领北方或南方彻底的溃败吗?We should not sail together, in any case. Will you take the northern or southern routs ?

军官们仍不愿发兵乘胜追击溃败的敌人。The officers were still reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy.

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失败和最后的溃败则应归咎于别人,归咎于他们的“不忠和背叛。”The defeats and final failure had been due to others-to their " disloyalty and betrayal ".

最近的一次溃败后,我们会让他自作自受。After his latest debacle, we will let him stew in his own juice and suffer the consequences.

不光是布鲁克林农场和傅里叶小社团,现在是整个社会的全面溃败。Not merely the Brook Farm and Fourierite communities, but now the community generally has failed.