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她喜欢吃木瓜。She likes to eat papayas.

红酒木瓜靓汤真的有用吗?Red papaya soup really work?

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红酒木瓜靓汤官方网站!Red papaya soup official website!

2月26日是我的木瓜姐姐的生日。Feb 26 is my sister pawpaw's birthday.

木瓜也有助于消食健胃。The papaya promotes good digestion too.

红酒木瓜靓汤的效果如何?How the effects of red wine papaya soup?

红酒木瓜靓汤有用吗,若干好多钱?Red papaya soup useful to you. how much?

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嗯,木瓜可是丰胸圣品啊,呵呵。Ah, papaya breast clergyman, but, ah, huh.

2004年的木瓜溪河床和中央山脉。Mu-Kua River and Central Cordillera, 2004.

这些水果包括凤梨和木瓜。These fruits include pineapple and papaya.

红酒木瓜靓汤丰胸效果真的好吗?Effect of red wine breast papaya soup really you?

红酒木瓜靓汤丰胸效果如此神奇!Effect of red wine papaya soup breast so amazing!

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理由一,红酒木瓜靓汤丰胸不长肉。One reason, no longer red papaya soup breast meat.

然后是木瓜,木瓜里内含木瓜酵素。Then there is papaya which contains papain enzymes.

红酒木瓜靓汤的做法大揭秘!The practice of red wine a large papaya soup Secret!

你来自美国哪个州,哪个城市?红酒木瓜靓汤效果怎么样。Are you from the United States which state, which city?

木瓜奶昔配黑加仑力娇酒是饱餐后的完美点缀。Papaya cream is a nice final touch for any hearty meal.

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理由三,红酒木瓜靓汤嫩肤靓全身。Three reasons, red papaya soup rejuvenation pretty body.

我学到了很多的工作,与本食谱木瓜。I learned a lot about pawpaw by working with this recipe.

木瓜和芒果各有不同特性的酶。Papaya and mangos each have different enzymatic qualities.