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叫警察来评理啊!Call the police to judge ah!

这一桩桩一件件,导游员找谁去评理?!This scenario, the tour guide who find one reason?!

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很难与那些心灵相惜的人评理。Those close to your heart may be difficult to reason with.

农场主想不到更好的办法,忍无可忍找到镇上的法官评理。Farmers think of a better way to find intolerable town judge judge.

想评理的话,找朋友说去吧,他们的意见才重要。Save the debates for when you're with friends whose opinions matter to you.

儿找他们评理去,还想拖着儿子米强一块儿去。Children find they judge to go, want to drag his son to go with strong meter.

不甘心的李彪找政委评理,王政委只是让他养足肉体。To find the commissar reason, LiBiao WangZhengWei just let him keep sufficient flesh.

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“我是一个诚实的人,”乞丐反驳道,“我们到法庭上评理去。”"I'm an honest man, " said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court. "

如果你也有促进饮食健康的小科学,请在这里评理,与大家分享。What are some simple lessons that guide your approach to eating? Please comment and share.

他们打的鼻青脸肿,两个小孩子挨了打,互相不服气,就各自回去找自己的父亲来给自己评理。Both of them were bitted . And both of their faces are black and blue. Neither of them is convinced. So they found their fathers.

赛义德在福柯话语意义上理解东方主义,把东方学知识称为“东方学话语”,从而质疑其知识合法性,这是其东方主义文化批评理沧的核心。Based on Faucault's "discourse", Edward W. Said defines orientalist as "orientalism discourse"and queries its legitimacy, which is the very core of his thought of orientalism.

月儿碰见户判和小孩的吵闹声,就去和户判评理,谁料官员大怒要把月儿抓进衙门里,紧急关头,暄王拉着月儿逃跑了。The moon has met the noise of family and children, and families found reason, who officials wrath to catch the moon into the judgment hall, an emergency, Xuan king took the moon has run away.