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这种恶性循环要不得。This is a vicious cycle.

这样做要不得。It is no good doing that.

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这对一个革命者来说是要不得的。A revolutionary should not think that way.

其实身累好过心累,最要不得是心倦!So a good way of living is nothing tiring!

母鸡咯咯在家叫,却把蛋生在别家窝,这样的母鸡要不得。It is no good hen that crackles in your house and lay in another's.

却是知道其他的,是要不得的了,都只是成了奢侈。They are aware of others, are unacceptable, and only became a luxury.

更要不得的是,我开始怨天尤人,总觉得上天对我很不公平。I began grumble to God for being so unfair and making life so difficult.

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“思想罪可是件要不得的事情,老兄,”他庄重地说,“它很阴险。Thoughtcrime is a dreadful thing, old man, ' he said sententiously. 'It's insidious.

这是最要不得的,因为人生短暂,是不会有多余的时间供人消遣的。This is the most bad, because life is short, will not have extra time for recreation.

同时,如果精力衰竭了,疲乏增加了,休息的思想并非是要不得的。And if, with the decay of vatility, weariness increases and the thought of rest will be not unwelcome.

阎世翔指出,这是万万要不得的。由于这样容易使毛囊决裂,并使黑头因毛孔变大而更为嚣张。As a result of such an easy break the hair follicle, and capped by the pores become larger and more arrogant.

莫迪先生是我们的总理。任何反对他的行为就是反国家。请注意你们的措辞,取笑印度总理是要不得的。Mr. Modi is our PM, anything against him is against Nation. Please mind your language, you can not make a fun of Indian PM.

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所以他早就说了,感情是最要不得的东西!无情的人才是最强大的人哪!So he has already said, feelings is most extremely bad of thing! The heartless talented person is the strongest person which!

其实有这种希望仗佛力接引而生净土的心,就是贪心,就是依赖,是要不得的。Actually, hoping the Buddha's power will lead us to rebirth in the Pure Land is just greed and dependency, and we don't want that.

于是他就老老实实地告诉他,他做的这桩事情是多么要不得,他是一个多么坏的人,他应该受到怎样的惩罚。And then he talked to him seriously about the wicked deed he had done, and told him that such a wicked man would surely be punished.

西方人觉得这种喝汤法有失大雅,而且在餐着上剔牙和上妆很要不得。Westerners find eating soup this way most unpleasant. They also consider picking one's teeth and putting on makeup at the table no-nos.

语速过快反映说话者非常紧张,也会让别人跟不上说话者的思维。在做报告的时候这点尤其要不得,因为作报告时内容的清楚明了特别重要。Rapid speech is a common effect of nerves, and can make the speaker hard to follow. That's especially bad during a presentation, when clarity is extremely important.