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我让一具女尸在我身上靠了30分钟。I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes.

在一船形木棺中,有一具保存完好的女尸。In a boat-shaped Muguan, a well-preserved woman.

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警方在河里发现一具女尸。Police discovered the woman's body in the river.

他们昨天发现的无名女尸是被人勒毙的。The Jane Doe they found yesterday was strangled to death.

这些图片展示了女尸出土时的一些景象。These pictures shows the situations when the female corpse was found.

现在我们来到今天参观的最后一站——马王堆女尸。Now it is the last part of our tour today the female Corpse of Mawangdui.

又路过一人,将衣服脱下,给女尸盖上,走了。Pass by one person again, take off clothes, give female the corpse cover and walked.

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在这密室内藏了一具与应佳长得很像的女尸。A female cadaver that grows very to resemble with Ying Jia hid inside this penetralia.

僧人解释道,那具海滩上的女尸,就是你未婚妻的前世。The monk explained, with the woman's corpse on the beach, is your fiancee in a past life.

其母体女尸被埋在温度低至摄氏零下70度以下的一堵雪墙里。Its parent body buried in the low temperature to minus 70 degrees Celsius below a snow wall.

马王堆女尸出土于长沙马王堆一号汉墓,距今2100多年。The female corpse with a history of 2100 years was found in Tomb No. 1 of Mawangdui Han Tombs.

又路过一人,将衣服脱下,给女尸盖上,走了。Another man passed, taking off his clothes and covering it on the lady’s body, then he left also.

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有人打电话告诉警方说在一条河上漂浮着一具无头女尸。Someone called to tell the police that a headless female body had been found floating on a river.

从一具高度腐败的女尸旁边走过时,他向朋友夸口说他知道她的原貌是什么样。As he passed the body of a badly decomposed body, he told his friend that he knew what she looked like.

在金斯利别墅四周的湖中,沉落着一具女尸。金斯利的园丁比尔由尸体衣饰认定是他的妻子。In Kingsley villa nearby lake, sinking a female corpse. Kingsley gardener Bill by the body as his wife.

我们看着搜救人员挖掘一家人的遗体,几个小时只挖出了一具女尸。We watched as rescuers dug through the remains of one such home for hours, only to pull out the body of a woman.

华盛顿州某军营惊现一具16岁平民女尸,同时被发现的还有另一个毫无反应的女孩。A 16-year-old civilian girl was found dead and another was found unresponsive in an army barracks in Washington State.

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前世,在茫茫大海边的沙滩上,有一具裸体的女尸,少女的脸上仍留有一份淡淡的幸福的笑容。Past, on the beach side of the ocean, there is a naked woman's body, the girl's face still left a faint smile of happiness.

警方表示,上周六早晨在昆斯伍德大街发现这具女尸,目前一名19岁男士正在协助调查。Police said they were called to Queenswood Avenue on Saturday morning and a 19-year-old man was now helping them with their inquiries.

由于网上有消息称,警方在北海道摩周湖附近发生了一具类似酒井法子的女尸,引发民众强烈关注。An Internet post claiming that police have found a dead woman who looks like Sakai near Mashuuko, Hokkaido, is causing intense online discussion.