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他是一个美国新闻记者。He is an American news reporter.

他假装新闻记者混了进去。He posed as a newsman to get in.

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NBC一位新闻记者提姆•罗泽特逝世。NBC newsman Tim Russert has died.

新闻记者把她的公寓围得水泄不通。The press laid siege to her flat.

新闻记者现在简直象潮水似地涌来。The news must be made by journalists.

新闻记者现在简直象潮水似地涌来。Correspondents are fairly pouring in now.

新闻记者整天在他门口纠缠著不走。Newspapermen camped at his doorstep all day.

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美国的新闻记者可能会有些古板。America 's journalists can be a little prudish.

可否将新闻记者的私生活当作新闻?Should Newsmen's Private Life Be Treated as News?

他设法摆脱了那些新闻记者。He managed to throw off those newspaper reporters.

他回答新闻记者的问题很灵活。The problem that he answers newsman is very agile.

另一些法院则努力阻止新闻记者与陪审员之间的联系。Other courts try to prevent journalist-juror contact.

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这件丑闻是被一位消息灵通的新闻记者发现的。The scandal was dug up by a well-informed journalist.

他使中国新闻记者宣传他的斗争。He pesters Chinese journalists to publicize his fight.

至少有十二名遇难者是当地的新闻记者。At least a dozen of the victims were local journalists.

作者是一名作家、新闻记者,住在柏林。Elizabeth Pond is a Berlin-based author and journalist.

他追随父亲的脚步踏上了新闻记者之路。Wishart continues in his journalist-father's footsteps.

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我在旅馆登记薄上以新闻记者的身份登了记。I set myself down as a journalist in the hotel register.

新闻主持或新闻记者很大程度上相似于一个驾驶员。Being an anchorman or newsman is a lot like being a pilot.

我在旅馆登记薄上以新闻记者的身份登了记。Journalists must serve as an independent monitor of power.