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不要怕,扎针不会叫你疼的。Don't be afraid. The needles won't hurt you.

上次扎针以后,有什么反应?How did you feel after acupuncture last time?

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这个医生扎针特灵。That doctor is very good at giving needle treatment.

这就像一只手掐住了扎针引起麻木的胳膊一样。It was like a hand pinching an arm numbed by an injection.

扎针时您有麻木和发胀的感觉吗?Do you have the sensation of distension and numbness at needling?

但令人惊讶的是,假针灸和真正的扎针一样有效。But surprisingly, fake acupuncture works just as well as the real thing.

扎针时您有麻木和发胀的感觉吗?When I insert the needles into points you may have a feeling of soreness.

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而我第一次扎针刀是因为我抱怨我的腿部有块肌肉持续的紧张。I first had acupotomy when I complained about an ongoing tight muscle in my leg.

通常情况下,并不在病人感觉到疼痛的地方扎针。Often acupuncture needles are not inserted in the place where the patient feels pain.

政府宣传说被人“扎针”不会被传染,是错误的。The government propagandizes said "performs acupuncture" by the human cannot infect, is wrong.

在北京我不能忍受给他输液就好像是给我自己扎针…I don't want to hear that. I don't abide to give him transfusion in Beijing, as if something pins my body.

我觉得最简单的方法是从外向内扎针,然后一次把整页订完。I find the easiest way to do this is to prick the holes from the outside then sew the whole section at once.

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扎针前后,体内的「气」会有所改变。在这套仪器的映照下可看气的变化。Both before and after insertions the internal chi will undergo a change. The change in chi is reflected by this instrument.

深圳市出现过多次艾滋病患者不断以“扎针”或者咬人等方式,要挟路人索要钱财的情况。Shenzhen, many AIDS patients appear to continue to "give an acupuncture treatment, " or bite, etc. , ask for money from passers-blackmail situation.

会此种治疗方法的医生,不用带仪器、不用带针灸等治疗工具,就凭两只手,就可以在病人不用扎针、不用吃药、在毫无痛苦的情况下,把病治好。The doctor can cure disease by hands without any aid of medical instruments or acupuncture while the patients have no acupuncture or medicine or pain.

并且不用扎针、不用吃药、没有针扎的痛楚感、又无放射性损伤,是产后妈妈最平安的减肥计划。And do not have an acupuncture treatment, no medicine, no pain sense of the needle, nor radiation injury is the most peaceful postpartum weight loss plan.

这种损害人的名字可以伤害那个人的信仰和那种练习在木偶上扎针企图伤害或杀害别人的巫术异曲同工。The belief that harming a name can harm a person is analogous to the voodoo practice of sticking pins in a doll with a view to injuring or killing the person represented.

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我有一个习惯就是抽血扎针一定要看着针头戳进去,但是我躺下了就看不见了,所以这让我感觉有一点不适应,有一点紧张。I have a special habit, I always look at the syringe needle stat into my skin. But when I lay down, I can't see the needles, it makes me a little uncomfortable and nervous.

历经73天、434公里流血、流汗和流泪的旅程,一路上忍受衣服冻结、脚趾冻伤和屁股扎针的折磨后,卡特林北极科考终于接近了尾声。After 73 days and 434 kilometres of blood, sweat and tears, frozen-solid clothes, a frost-bitten toe and a needle in a buttock, the Catlin Arctic Survey is nearly at an end.

哦,还有,全班同学都动员我去和某完全不熟的同学结婚,我说不要了吧,后来逃跑,就碰到被扎针了。And before that, I was mobilized by all of my classmates to marry one classmate I didn't even know. I said maybe not this time, & then I ran away until I got the shot on my leg.