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无疑,凯撒是主。Verily Caesar is lord.

这是一个无疑的事实。It is an absolute fact.

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城市生活无疑是繁重的。City living can be taxing.

这无疑是十分荒谬的。No doubt it is very absurd.

他无疑地是位伟大的诗人。He is unarguably a great poet.

他们一定会赢是确信无疑的。That they will win is certain.

永生无疑很棒。Immortality would be wonderful.

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无疑,你想起来的是诗!Of course, you remember poetry!

瑶瑶会赢是确定无疑的。That Yaoyao will win is certain.

但无疑我们的目标是要更好。Surely, our goal is to do better.

这无疑是考古学界的爆炸性发现。This was archaeological dynamite.

那只戒子无疑是精品。That ring is certainly the cheese.

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当我…无疑我也会很享受。When I--No doubt I would enjoy it.

这无疑是一场灾难。This is not--This is a catastrophe.

一旦压力服出问题,你必死无疑。If the pressure suit fails, you die.

假设你对此确信无疑。Let's assume you know that for sure.

很明显,这点我现在可以确信无疑。Obviously, right now, I can identify.

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这对讼辩律师来说,无疑是对的。Certainly this is true for litigators.

这幅画无疑是真迹。The painting is undoubtedly authentic.

厘金无疑扮演了这一角色。Without doubt, likin played this role.