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软木制的天花板能减少回音。Cork ceilings absorb sound.

铁杉是一种优良的软木材。Tsuga is a fine kind of softwood.

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接待室的地面砖为软木材料质地。Reception's floor tile is made from cork.

钉子很容易地就穿透了软木材。The nail easily penetrated the soft wood.

“可是我并没有用软木色钓过鱼呀!”他说。"But I don't fish with a cork, " he said.

青石地面上铺着软木垫。There was cork matting on the stone floor.

软木和皮革鞋底,增加舒适度。Cork and leather footbed for added comfort.

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游戏室用彩色软木进行装饰。The playroom is decorated with tinted cork.

其中一种流行的作弊手段就是在球棒里面填充软木。One popular method has been to cork the bat.

在软木车间,工人们用叉子叉猪肉.In the cork workshop, the workers fork the pork.

有些树的软木部分能用来造纸。The softwood of some trees can be made into paper.

松、冷杉、云杉一类的树木是软木材。The softwoods are such trees as pine, fir and spruce.

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这只鹦鹉还能自己造词,比如把杏仁拼成软木坚果。He has also coined his own word for almond — “cork nut.”

干木、软木、铜、铝等有色金属型材、石墨、杂草。Dry wood, soft wood, aluminum and brass, graphite and grass.

那么,传统的软木种植者的反击是否来得太晚?Have traditional cork-growers left their fight-back too late?

软木树皮和沉木是很好的装饰材料。Cork bark and driftwood are attractive items to decorate with.

那个棒球手在他的球棒里塞满了软木,以使球棒变得更轻。Thee baseball player stuffed his bat with cork to make it lighter.

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软木粉脱模剂溶液易于变质或发酵。Cork mold spray solutions have a tendency to deteriorate or ferment.

乳胶和软木混合鞋垫提供更多的缓冲和舒适。Latex and cork blend footbed offers increased cushioning and comfort.

另一方面软木板是温暖的,并让人忍不住去触摸。The cork panels on the other hand are warm and inviting to the touch.