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现在我们的食道萎缩了。Now our gullets are shriveled.

左图为正常睾丸,右图为萎缩睾丸。On the left is a normal testis.

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器官不用就要萎缩。An organ atrophies when not used.

而雇员再培训计划供应的萎缩。And the supply of ERs is shrinking.

整个国家的抵押贷款市场萎缩。Mortgages across the country soured.

静脉瓣也发作萎缩、硬化。Venous attack also shrinking, hardening.

部份萎缩AMACR标记阳性。Partial atrophy can be positive for AMACR.

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眼睛视网膜神经萎缩,可以治好吗?Eye retina nerve is atrophic, can you cure?

接毒后6个月,法氏囊萎缩。The bursa atrophied at the 6th month of PI.

月球或许在萎缩,但是不会太厉害。The moon may be shrinking, but not by much.

盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。The summer heat withered up certain plants.

沿墨西哥湾的旅游业也随之萎缩。Tourism plummeted along the Gulf of Mexico.

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萎缩性鼻炎是非常困难的治疗。Atrophic rhinitis is very difficult to treat.

没有这些,最活跃的头脑也会萎缩。Without them, the liveliest mind can atrophy.

年华如树轮在萎缩。Prime shrinks like the shrinkage of tree rings.

这种四分体最终萎缩或被再吸收。The tetrads eventually shrivel or are resorbed.

如果我们有更多的储户,我们的经济会萎缩。If we have more savers, our economy will shrink.

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接下来就该是居民消费支出的萎缩。The next shoe to drop will be consumer spending.

闭式引流管可排出胸膜腔内的气体使萎缩肺膨胀。A chest tube can be placed to re-expand the lung.

夏威夷著名白沙滩正在萎缩。Hawaii's famed white sandy beaches are shrinking.