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他的行为使每个人都嫌恶。His behaviour disgusted everybody.

我们都非常嫌恶这些旧习惯。We all hold these old customs in detestation.

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我们的欲望与嫌恶是变化无常的统治者。Our desires and aversions are mercurial rulers.

因为他嫌恶军队生活,所以他决心背弃自己所在的那个团。As he hated army life, he decide to deserthis regiment.

还是说这也是一个嫌恶地对抗当代世界的国家?Or is it also a nation in revolt against the modern world?

他的眼现在是清澈的,他不再带着嫌恶的讥笑。His eyes are clear now, no longer does he sneer with loathing.

欲望与嫌恶不能以单一角度衡量。Appetites and aversions , moreover, are not simple qualities but composites.

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因此,那种欲望肯能会因嫌恶的内在因素而减弱,像痛苦。And so that desire might be weakened by aversive visceral factors, like pain.

我期望别人会嫌恶,但是每个人都想知道血淋淋的细节。I expect people to be grossed out, but everyone wants to know the gory details.

难怪我们会如此嫌恶地看待或提及限制。And it’s no wonder that we become so loathing to the sight or mention of limits.

更糟的是,一个邪恶的出家人则为人神所共同嫌恶。Worse still is an evil recluse who is repulsively loathsome to gods and men alike.

他的律师叹了口气,既然不能让丹尼斯闭嘴,只好嫌恶地坐了下来。His lawyer sighed and, when he couldn't get Dennis to shut up, sat down in disgust.

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蒲伯对他自己热爱或憎恨,嫌恶或需要的一切都有准确的理解。Pope had an exact knowledge of all that he himself loved or hated, loathed or wanted.

蒲伯对他自已热爱或憎恨,嫌恶或需要的一切都有准确的理解。Pope had an exact knowledge of all that he himself loved or hated, loathed or wanted.

什么阻碍了他们去基督那里?或者说,什么驱策他们嫌恶基督?For what hinders them from coming to Christ? Or what drives them to revolt from Christ?

小珍珠懵懵懂懂,却学会察言观色,即便如此,听到嫌恶斥责依旧觉得委屈。Small pearl ability, learn to sense motive, even so, hear aversion of still feel wronged.

新食物恐惧症高发人群易于把规避的食物和嫌恶联系在一起。Those high in food neophobia appear to associate many avoided foods with a sense of disgust.

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咪咕尔为一黑人,如同正宗俄国人般嫌恶高加索人。Though Miguel is black himself he doesn't like Caucasian guests of the capital like true Russians.

当我们渐渐长大,越来越清楚自己的喜好嫌恶,谈话就会变成雷区,稍有不慎就会伤及彼此。As we grow older, and into a better sense of our likes and dislikes, conversation becomes a minefield.

偶尔与几个人目光对接,也只是相视一笑,没人尴尬或是嫌恶地躲开视线,更没有恶言相向。The few people I made eye contact with just smiled back, but not one looked away in embarrassment or disgust.