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有树自能生根。A tree roots itself.

有些插枝很容易生根。Some cuttings root easily.

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是啊,它已经开始生根。Well, it's begun to take root.

插枝已生根。The cuttings have struck roots.

这种草很容易生根。This type of grass takes root easily.

现在开始在华盛顿生根发芽。now began to take root in Washington.

玫瑰在这种酸性土壤中不会生根。Roses will not root in such acid soil.

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他将郁金香球茎植在盆栽土里,等着生根。He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.

他把郁金香的鳞茎种在盆栽用土中使其生根。He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.

只要有一点空隙,植物就会生根发芽。Plants burgeon from every available space.

他实践生根于土壤的现实主义艺术。He practiced the art of earthbound realism.

让怜悯生根你心长成树。Root pity in thy heart, that when it grows.

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生根的小苗在温室里生长良好。The rooted plantlets survived in greenhouse.

添加了激素NAA的培养基较适宜山慈姑种子苗的生根。The medium with NAA is better suited to root.

生根的小苗在温室里生长良好。The rooted plantlets grew well in greenhouse.

我可以在你的心里落地,但为什么不能生根。I can drop in your heart, but why can't take root.

体胚在MSO培养基上萌发生根并成苗。The embryo converted into plant in die MSO medium.

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我们希望移植的桔树将会生根成长。We hope the transplanted orange trees will take root.

打了一针后,脚起头在靴子里生根抽芽。After a shot the foot began to root and shoot in the boot.

花朵不会生根,而是根须长出花朵。The flower does not bear the root, but the root the flower.