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魔术师却从未获得这一殊荣。Magic was never an all-league defender.

海神波塞冬和雅典娜女神都想得到这份殊荣。Poseidon and Athena7 each wanted the honor.

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辩论队队员一同接受亚军殊荣。Team members receive the 1st Runner-up trophy.

它似乎享有轻松自在设定规则的殊荣。Gloriously, it seemed free to set its own rules.

作为一个提供全方位数字体验服务的机构,我们屡获殊荣。A multi-award winning full service digital UX agency.

对布吕尼来说,获此殊荣可谓给今年的流年不利“画上了圆满的句号”。The award rounds off a turbulent year for Miss Bruni.

作万王之王的臣民,是最大的殊荣。The biggest honor is to be people of the highest king.

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专家表示日本人获此殊荣,并不奇怪。Experts say it is no surprise that Mrs Okawa is Japanese.

在广交会上,历次获得中国名优产品殊荣。In the Canton Fair, the previous winning BrandName China.

到目前为止,中国已经有43名优秀护士获此殊荣。Up till now, 43 nurses in China have been awarded this award.

这点对于同联来说乃是一大殊荣。For this example is in conjunction with a major championships.

我们获得了“国家质量免检产品”殊荣。We have won the title of national free-inspection quality product.

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公司也因此获得了很多殊荣和荣誉证书。The company has thus been a lot of awards and honorary certificates.

他们得此殊荣只因拥有现代化的设施吗?Have they gotten these laurels only because of their modern facilities?

我为肩披国旗绕场一周的殊荣而陶醉!I loved that honor tour around the course with the flag on my shoulders!

欧巴马能够获此殊荣,似乎更多是得益于其当政时许下的承诺,而非其成绩。The prize seems to be more for Obama's promise than for his performance.

此次获奖,是上海裕景大饭店自2009年以来连续两年获此殊荣。This is the second time the hotel won this prize since the year of 2009.

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他的制片人-萨德称他非常高兴获此殊荣。His producer, Alain Sarde, said he would be "very happy" with the honour.

该片荣获六项奥斯卡金像奖殊荣,其中包括最佳影片奖和最佳导演奖。The film won six Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director.

热烈祝贺“塔耀新城”荣获“羊城新八景”冠军殊荣。Congratulate to Canton Tower on winning The New Eight Sights of Guangzhou.