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洞穴不为人居住而存在。A cave is not FOR dwelling.

在一洞穴里,刀疤正在捕食。In a cave, Scar is praying.

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模拟铁器时代穴居生活的洞穴。To inhabit or hide in a den.

或那滴水洞穴中的宁静。Or peace in a dripping gotto.

带有阳台的树状洞穴房间。ree-room cave with a balcony.

洞穴边缘,朝露盈盈。And the brink of the dewy caves.

彩虹鱼找到了那个洞穴。The Rainbow Fish found the cave.

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黑龙洞是一平卧式洞穴。Black Dragon Cave is a flat cave.

这个洞穴是现在被称为达摩洞。The cave is now called Damo Cave.

在洞穴里在百合的尖上In the cave at the tip of the lily

仍然居住在高原的洞穴Still dwelling in my Highland cave

洞穴的每一个角落都是独一无二的!Every corner of the cave is unique!

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我们一家住在这个洞穴里。I live with my family in this cave.

一个洞穴探险者卡尔斯巴德的成比例的模型。A spelunker's scale model carl sbad.

这个例子叫罗伯洞穴实验。And this is the Robber's Cave study.

就将青铜的黎明从洞穴里吹出。Rousts bronze-age dawn from its cave.

用充血的笑声填塞这洞穴!Fill the cave with bloodshot laughter!

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石笋,这个洞穴里随处可见。A stalagmite. The cave is full of them.

数百年来,这尊雕像被深埋于一个地下洞穴中。That is actually a cavity in the earth.

那条蛇在洞穴中盘成一团。The snake coiled itself up in the cave.