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有的乃至是每天吃零蛋。Some even eat every day zero.

每天吃一个鸡蛋就不会得零蛋。An egg a day keeps the zero away.

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一天一个鸡蛋,不会考零蛋。I have an egg, some milk and bread.

小汤米在数学考试中得了个零蛋。Little Tommy got a goose egg on the math exam.

这些话中多大比例最后变成现实了呢?零蛋!What percentage of all this turned out to be true? Zero.

两队比赛时,不得分的一队,就是零蛋。When two teams compete, one team that does not score has a goose egg.

终于问了一个我愿意回答的问题。答案是零。什么都没有,零蛋。一减一。Finally a question I am willing to answer. The answer is zero. Zip, nil. One minus one.

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然而从经济角度讲,我建议将过去10年起名为“大零蛋年代”。But from an economic point of view, I'd suggest that we call the decade past the Big Zero.

原指望以此过上阔绰的生活,可到头来他只不过是个骗子,而我的资本净值变成了大零蛋。Finally, after all that high living, it comes out he was a fraud and my net worth was bupkes.

也不看看他们的世界杯成绩,多少届了都是首战零蛋,何况从86年以来到98年他们还一直都是世界杯的看客。Every time they start off with a zero, and from 1986 to 1998 they had remained an outsider of the World Cup.

让我们对“大零蛋”宣告一声毫无温情的再见——这个让我们什么也没得到、什么也没学到的十年。So let's bid a not at all fond farewell to the Big Zero — the decade in which we achieved nothing and learned nothing.

日本的移动电话制造者有世界上最为精密尖端的设备但是它们的海外市场份额仍然是个零蛋。Japanese makers of mobile phones have the world's most sophisticated devices but their market share abroad is virtually nil.

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从更广的层面来看,维拉在过去七场联赛中有五场交了零蛋。Stewart Downing and Stilian Petrov are yet to find the net at all in the competition. More broadly, Villa have drawn a blank in five of their past seven league games.

在拯救逃往荒漠的伙伴零蛋的生死考验中,史丹利与之结下坚固不催的情谊,并最终揭露了绿湖营“挖洞”的大骗局,挖出了家族祖先的宝藏。On the life and death journey of rescuing his friend Zero, Stanley obtains unwavering friendship, exposes the fraud of digging holes to "build character", uncovers buried treasure of his ancestors.