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取它的平方根。Take the square root.

现在我要求一下16的平方根。And I'm looking here at 16.

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144的平方根是12。The square root of 144 is 12.

九的平方根是三。The square root of nine is three.

乌黑的恶性平方根的迹象?Beneath a vicious square-root sign?

2的平方根,乘以15。The square root of two times 15.15.

就是k/m的平方根。That is the square root of k over m.

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这个投资组合的收益率是,标准差是σ除以n的平方根,but,the,standard,deviation,of,the,portfolio,is,σ/√r The return on the portfolio is r,.

另外,计算平方根。Otherwise, calculate the square root.

这个让你知道怎样寻找平方根。This tells you how to find square roots.

好,看看这个NR求平方根方法。All right. So we have that square root NR.

你应该用乘积的平方根。So you take the square root of the product.

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或者,它可以表现的像个开平方根的机器。Or, it could act like a square root machine.

100的平方根永远等于10。The square root of 100 will always equal 10.

6的平方根是5吧,这是布什经济学对不对?I'm not supposed to make bad jokes like that.

二的平方根是一个无理数。The square root of two is an irrational number.

一个数的平方根会小于0么?Is the square root ever going to be less than 0?

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我的男朋友就是,-1的平方根——根本不存在。My boyfriend is like square root of -1. Imaginary.

找出了单位矩阵的所有平方根。Having found all square roots of an identity matrix.

你得到了某个负数的平方根。You have square root of minus one for something else.