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把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant.

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盐渍茄子!Salt the eggplant!

菠菜和茄子。Spinach and eggplant.

怎么烧茄子?How to cook the eggplant?

虎皮辣椒烧茄子。Tiger burning pepper eggplant.

我喜欢土豆,不喜欢茄子。I prefer potatoes to eggplants.

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茄子炒青辣椒。Sauteed Eggplant and Green Chilli.

茄子洗净后切成块状。Wash and cut eggplants into slices.

小羊排,茄子,洋蓟,薄荷。Lamb Loin, Eggplant, Artichoke, Mint.

因此Ramesh暂停了关于Bt茄子的行动。So Ramesh froze action on Bt brinjal.

她的双颊鼓得像茄子。Her cheeks puffed out like aubergines.

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茄子过油要注意的事!How do you scald eggplants in hot oil?

当然可以。一二三,茄子!Of course! One, two, three, say cheese!

茄子斜刀切滚刀块。Roll-cut aubergines with a slant angle.

这茄子简直就像生的。These eggplants are hardly cooked at all.

不要让新娘吃秋天的茄子。Don't let the bride eat the autumn eggplant.

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绿色沙司,炸茄子,西红柿,干西红柿。Pesto, Fried eggplants, tomato, Dried Tomato.

鹰嘴豆酱,炸茄子,西红柿。Our famous hummus, marinated eggplant, tomato.

茄子烧肉。还有这道卷心菜。The eggplant with pork, and this Chinese cabbage.