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找出辅音连缀的单词。Find the words with consonant clusters.

秋天是最斑斓地,落叶黄、冷藏风,连缀不时地雨。Autumn is the most beautiful, yellow leaves, chill wind, continuous rain.

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他以能那样把他最恨的两件东西,普鲁士和英格兰,连缀在一句骂人的话里而感到自得。He was happy to combine in the same imprecation the two things which he most detested, Prussia and England.

汉语不容许辅音连缀成串,英语对辅音连缀却非常宽容和慷慨。Chinese never allows consonants to run together while English is very liberal and generous in stringing them together.

他将口语化的语言用散文化句式连缀起来,以自然的口语节奏表达现代人在日常生活中的情绪。He organized oral language by using prose sentences, and expressed modern people's emotions by using natural rhythm of spoken language.

如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀,以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。If in English pronunciation's short vowel, consonant cluster, by the fricative, the affricate conclusion syllable and so on do not have in Chinese.

山脚下一条长达728米的长廊,如同一条彩虹把多种多样的建筑物以及青山、碧波连缀在一路。Foot of the mountain up to 728 meters in a corridor, like a rainbow to a wide variety of buildings and mountains, blue water and put together together.

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结果表明,紫斑谷螟在赤水地区一年发生3代,以老熟幼虫在吐丝连缀茶叶形成的隧道内越冬。The results show that P. farinalis has 3 generations per year in the Chishui area, and the old larva overwinter in a tunnel made of tea leaves and silk.

辅音连缀是英语中非常普遍的现象,辅音连缀发音的正确与否,直接影响到英语学习者的语音面貌。Consonant cluster is an extremely universal phenomenon in English. The pronunciation of English consonant cluster directly affects the learners'communication.

清初话本的形式也发生了明显的变化,主要表现在连缀形式和体制特征两个方面。The style of Huaben stories in the early days of the Qing Dynasty changed obviously, which shows two features-form of putting episodes together, and its pattern.

风格类似民间剪纸,但手、腿等关节分别雕刻后再用线连缀在一起,表现能活动自如。Folk Paper-cut in a similar style, but the hands, legs and other joints, respectively, followed by line engraving cluster together, the performance of activities to ease.

因此,格构柱分肢之间的连缀件正是用来抵抗这种错动变形,所以连缀件的截面尺寸主要是根据这个剪力来设计的。In order to resist the shear deformation, connecting elements between the branches of the column are used and their cross sections are determined mainly according to the shear force.

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与西方同类小说不同,我国古代历险记小说常写群体历险,多采用人物连缀故事的结构方式。Different from adventure fictions in the west, ancient Chinese adventure fictions often portrayed the adventure of a group of people, and the stories were constructed by different characters.