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这公文的措词不当。The official document was misworded.

这儿所有的旧公文都值钱吗?Are all these old documents worth money?

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这是你的办公桌,电话,电脑,公文篮。This is your desk. Telephone, PC, in-tray.

盖恩斯指示杰克去领取一个公文箱。Gaines directs Jack to pick up a briefcase.

这是你的办公桌、电话、电脑、公文格。And this is your desk. Telephone. PC. In-tray.

他把可能需要的东西装进公文箱里。He packed a briefcase with what might be required.

这份公文压了不少时间。This document was pigeonholed for quite some time.

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现代横式公文的格式与写作。The form and composition of an official document nowadays.

而叶公瑾更阴的一招是制造一份假公文。While the leaf GongJin more Yin is making a false document.

为主办登记公文格式,请单击这里。For the spon'sorship reg'istra'tion form, please click here.

语言表达能力强,能书写各种业务公文。Language ability and can write a variety of business documents.

一位政府部门职员在一个公文柜里发现了一盏黄铜制的旧油灯。A government employee found an old brass lamp in a filing cabinet.

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他们将他逮个正着,他偷来的钱正在他的公文箱里。They caught him red-handed with the stolen money in his briefcase.

没有嘈杂的音乐扰乱两耳,没有官府公文劳累身心。No noisy music disturb two ears, no government official overworked.

公文语言之美是一种严肃、和谐的庄重、得体美。Its language has serious and harmonious solemnity and proper beauty.

联合下发的公文,发文机关都应当加盖印章。A document issued to sub-branches shall be sealed by all the issuers.

这是你的办公桌、电话、电脑、公文格。我帮你放外套。And this is your desk. Telephone. PC. In-tray. Let me take your coat.

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这是你的办公足储电话、电脑、公文格。我帮你放外套。And this is your desk. Telephone. PC. In-tray. Let me take your coat.

我担心我的信件已被耽搁在拖拖拉拉的公文程序中了。I was afraid my letters had been bogged down in beaurocratic red tape.

公文的流动通过强大的工作流引擎来实现。The fluxion of the document use the mighty workflow engine to realize.