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然而,我是一个病入膏肓的完美主义者,总是期望过高。But I am an incorrigible idealist, and my expectations are often high.

一种时疫正在教会蔓延,不久整个教会就会病入膏肓。An epidemic was spreading, and soon the whole church would be deathly ill.

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这首歌是说一个病人已经病入膏肓了,所以希望家里人让他死。The song was about someone who is on life support, and wants his family to let him die.

可能钟声为他而鸣的那个人已经病入膏肓,以至于他感觉不到钟声在为他鸣。PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill as that he knows not it tolls for him.

是否应该帮助病入膏肓的人结束他们的生命是一个令许多人难以回答的问题。Whether very sick people should be helped to end their own lives is a question many people cannot answer.

一个病入膏肓必死无疑的人是会学会在所剩不多的日子里过一天算一天的。A sick man faced with certain death learns to live from day to day in the short future that is left to him.

米勒曾大举押注于抵押贷款公司房贷美,是该公司的最大股东,但房贷美已病入膏肓。Miller had made ill-fated bets on ailing mortgage company Freddie Mac where he was the biggest shareholder.

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来自开罗的报告称,埃及前总统侯塞尼·穆巴拉克已病入膏肓、面临死亡。Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is critically ill and may be close to death, reports from Cairo suggest.

由于他的大部分客户都病入膏肓或一贫如洗,因此他们的致残或消失几乎无人察觉。Since most of his clientele were the desperate or the destitute, their maiming or disappearance rarely went noticed.

谣传说总统已病入膏肓,没有能力在任期内返回内乱中的尼日利亚。Rumours that the president was critically ill and unable to return to the presidency have been swirling around Nigeria.

正如上面所示的画所描绘的,一位晚期癌症病人病入膏肓,请求医生们实施安乐死。As the picture given above depicts, a late-stage cancer patient is terminally-ill, asking the doctors for mercy killing.

希望上帝庇佑这位捐助病入膏肓女子的男子。希望更多的人因此开始阅读圣经。May God Bless this kind man for donating tothis very sick woman. May more people start reading the Bible because of this.

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因为不论是器官衰竭还是病入膏肓,一个人的死亡总是会有更为确切的原因。Whether organs wear out, or disease processes become unmanageable there always are specific reasons for a person’s death.

他同时表示市场已经病入膏肓,市场中并没有足够的力量能够阻止住卖盘并将其反转。"The market is on life support and there aren't enough people in the market to get under a selloff and turn it around, " he said.

俄勒冈州采取了美国境内仅见的一项措施,准许医生开致命药立给病入膏肓的病人。Oregon adopted the only measure, in the U. S. to allow doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminally-ill patients.

阿根廷参议院通过一项“有尊严地死”法案,给予病入膏肓的人和他们的家属关于终结生命方式更多的发言权。The Argentine Senate has approved a "dignified death" law to give the terminally ill and their families more say in end-of-life decisions.

对那些自我专注病入膏肓,不能采用其它方法医治的人,外在的清规戒律是通往快乐的唯一途径。External discipline is the only road to happiness for those unfortunates whose self-absorptions is too profound to be cured in any other way.

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泰国王室和病入膏肓的国王不再能如过去一样稳定局势,而泰国军方也饱受派系倾轧之苦。The Thai royal family, with its ailing king, cannot be as much of a stabilizing force as it once was, and factionalism is roiling the Thai military.

这一代领导人所能做的最好开局应该是宣告渐进主义的死亡,并宣布国有体制的弊病已经病入膏肓,令人忍无可忍。The best start the leadership could make is to declare the death of gradualism and announce that the state system's ills are to be tolerated no longer.

但此前病人必须经由两名医生诊断其确实已病入膏肓,然后病人再需经过7天的"冷静思考期",才可签署一份申请证明。The patient must be diagnosed as terminally ill by two doctors. After a "cooling off" period of seven days, the patient can sign a certificate of request.