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韩佳,我这怎么叫慢腾腾。No, I'm not being slow.

真是慢腾腾的一条河!What a sluggish stream!

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老人慢腾腾地喝着咖啡。The old man drank his coffee slowly.

进展慢腾腾得叫人泄气。The progress is discouragingly slow.

我听见有脚步声慢腾腾地走下楼来。I heard footsteps slowly coming down the stairs.

然后慢腾腾地告诉身旁的晚辈,我走了,就没有了。Then slowly tell side juniors, I go, there is no.

她扭过身去,慢腾腾地从房里走出去。She turned, and went deliberately out of the room.

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最后他们终于听到了脚步慢腾腾地向门口走来。At last they heard feet coming slowly towards the door.

然后,才慢腾腾的添加治理这把保护伞。Then, belatedly, an umbrella of governance would be added.

思嘉跟在他后面,慢腾腾地爬上台阶,两只脚沉重得像铅一般。Scarlett slowly climbed the steps after him, her feet leaden.

“不要着急!”父亲在她慢腾腾地换衣服时不无讽刺地说。"Don't hurry! " Said her father in sarcasm as she slowly dressed.

杰斯特罗博士慢腾腾,酸溜溜地微笑一下,露出一口小黄牙。Dr. jastrow smiled a slow, acid smile, showing little yellowish teeth.

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他慢腾腾一丝不苟地把手在破裤子上擦了几擦。He wiped his hands on his fatigue trousers with a slow thorough motion.

一种低微的声音,从壁炉旁的暗处慢腾腾地发出,好象从地里发出来一样。A small slow voice rose from the shade of the fireside, as if out of the earth.

在院子里,还有几只散放的鸡在慢腾腾地走着。In the centre of the yard, a few loose chickens were sluggishly wandering around.

到现在为止天气不错,比西街上挤满了慢腾腾走路的行人,酒吧大门敞开,路边摆着自行车。The Rue de Buci is alive, crawling. The bars wide open and the curbs lined with bicycles.

在遭受类似压力的情况之下,慢腾腾的中国政府又将有何作为呢?What will China's do if the government comes under similar pressure for its slow response?

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啊,这荒凉的风,严寒的北方天空,难走的路,慢腾腾的乡下大夫!Oh! these bleak winds and bitter northern skies, and impassableroads, and dilatory country surgeons!

看着霍童一阵风似的进了医院大门,赵千帆才慢腾腾地发动车子。Looking by Huo kid a explode of breeze enter front door in the hospital, Zhao Qian Fan just quite slowly fire automobile.

慢腾腾升起那堆火,又在山坳燃明,不知是升起的红日还是延续的黄昏。Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening.