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椰子和西瓜打头哪一个比较疼?Which do coco and watermelon nob ache quite?

打头的五位家长都抽到了素色球。The first five parents selected plain wooden balls.

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好吧,我可以想象你蹦出了F打头的单词,在社交媒体的教导下。I can see the spike in the F-word now from social media gurus.

这份名单上打头的就是48岁的玛丽·苏·哈伯德,这一系列行动都是她指挥的。Heading the list was Mary Sue Hubbard, 48, who had supervised the operation.

当时,F打头的那个词还远没成为英语中骂人的词。At the time the F word was nowhere near being documented as an English swear-word.

属性名以小写字母打头,而元素和类型名称以大写字母打头。Attribute names start with a lowercase letter, while element and type names start with an uppercase letter.

注意也许你想用八进制数指定模式,也就是说该数应以零打头。Note that you probably want to specify the mode as an octal number, which means it should have a leading zero.

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某些单词刚开始出现在英语中时并没有打头的N,但人们认为带上N读起来更好听,于是把它加了上去。Some words started in English without a leading N but had one attached because people thought it sounded better.

“我好像立刻和C打头较上了劲,”他说,“并且我真的摆脱不了,陈查理——那正是两个C。”“I'm kind of stuck in the C's right now,” he said, “and I can't really move on. “Charlie Chan — that's a double C.

“我好像立刻和C打头较上了劲,”他说,“并且我真的摆脱不了,陈查理——那正是两个C。”“I’m kind of stuck in the C’s right now,” he said, “and I can’t really move on. “Charlie Chan — that’s a double C.”

没错,是上帝,我们在那张纸上,有关于上帝一词的翻译,大写字母G打头的,还有什么其他说法?Okay, God. We have the word "God" being used I guess in that translation, right, with a capital G. What else is used?

项目名必须含有至少一个非空白字符,并且不能以句号打头。请选择一个不同的名称。The entry name must contain at least one non- blank character and cannot begin with a period. Choose a different name.

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其它有胜算的是有以字母“A”打头的名字的电影——它们出现在点播菜单前列。Other clear winners are films that have titles starting with the letter “A”, which turn up first on video-on-demand menus.

似乎看起来北京现在是以“民用船只打头仗”,坚决推进“不放一兵一卒进中国沿海地区”政策。It appears that Beijing is now using civilian vessels as proxies to advance its strategy of denying access to its coastal seas.

几周之前,我在栏目里用了F打头的四字经,在邮件发送和网络版本里我屏蔽了这个词,但音频版却没有经过处理。A couple of weeks ago I used the F word in a podcast. I bleeped it out in the email and web versions but not in the audio version.

当时,F打头的那个词还远没成为英语中骂人的词。大约600多年后,才能查到它的记录。At the time the F word was nowhere near being documented as an English swear-word. That doesn't happen until more than 600 years later.

类名可以包含字母、数字和下划线字符的任何组合,但不能以数字打头。The class name can contain any combination of letters and numbers, as well as the underscore character, but cannot begin with a number.

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报告称,当天定亲队伍乘坐一支豪华车队出现在女方家里,打头的是一辆玛莎拉蒂。Members of the man's entourage showed up at the woman's house in a fleet of luxury vehicles, led by a Maserati sports car, reports said.

三位吹笛艺人打头的送葬队伍出城来到家族的麦田里,大师会被葬在双亲的坟墓旁。A trio of flute players led the funeral procession out of town to the family's wheat field, where the master would be buried beside his parents.

显示汉字拼音的控件,可以获取汉字打头字母等信息,对多音字处理没有过多考虑!Display control Pinyin, Chinese characters can get information such as beginning letters, word-processing of multi-tone is not too much to consider!