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我是大错特错。How wrong I was.

但那将是一个大错特错的决定。But what a mistake it would be.

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大错特错她看起来像一个邮筒。Colossal . She looks like a mailbox.

大错特错以致无法补救。The wrong is too great to be redressed.

但事实上,这个文段大错特错。But in fact, it has gone terribly wrong.

你大错特错了,边都没沾。我被超级明星梅尔·吉布森倾倒了。I have a crush on the super star Mel Gibson.

大错特错——其实女人讨厌这种行为。Big mistake–women hate this kind of behavior.

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但声称这样做是最环保的选择可就大错特错了。But to claim it is the greenest option is just wrong.

“别把所有的鸡蛋放进一个篮子”之说大错特错。"Don't put all your eggs in one basket." is all wrong.

那个飞碟在1956年4月14日这一天登陆真是大错特错。So it's too bad the flying saucer landed on April 14, 1956.

我忘记盖印台的盖子。简直是大错特错。I forget to close the top of the stamp pad. That is a mistake.

如果他认为可以收买我,那他就大错特错了。If he thinks that he can suborn me, he is grievously in error.

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但要是你以为我们正翘首以待这个结果,那就是大错特错了。But it would be a big mistake to think we're holding our breath.

但是,我们如果认为与其本性相比,他们更像人类,则就大错特错了。But it's a mistake to think they are more like us than they are.

你大错特错。他跟我说过他觉得你人很好。You're way off base. He told me he thinks that you're very nice.

如果你认为高尔夫球是老头子玩的游戏,那你就大错特错了。If you thought that golf was a game for old farts, you were wrong.

如果你认为这一点与设计无关,那么你就大错特错了。If you think that this isn’t design-related, you are totally wrong.

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认为中国人不易动感情,那是大错特错了。The stereotype of the unemotional Chinese is not entirely accurate.

你大错特错。她跟我说过,她觉得你人很好。You're way off base. She told me she thinks that you'r e very nice.

舒芙蕾也许就是鸡蛋+面粉+黄油这么简单,但忙活半天的结果却很容易大错特错。It may be just eggs, flour and butter, but a soufflé can go oh so wrong.