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师父,你教我们“要普渡众生”!Master, you taught us "The Universal Life"!

那我情愿你自由,做个在家人,快快乐乐的去普渡众生!I prefer you that freedom, to be a family, happily to the Universal Life!

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济世救人,普渡众生是菩萨,是佛的工作。The work of aiding the world and saving the people is the duty of Buddha and Bodhisattva.

佛,普渡众生,是要把人渡到苦海的彼岸。The Buddha purdue the whole person with hope to ferry them to the bank of abyss of misery.

修行者要广做善事,普渡众生,才能成佛。Gymnosophists should do good, serves the needy masses altruistically, and then he can become a Buddha.

噢!佛祖,普渡众生的佛祖也不曾传授凡间的圆满规则!Oh! The Buddha, universals restoration the Buddha not once taught the world of mortals the complete rule!

观音菩萨拯救世间苦难,以法力将红孩儿收服,成为善财童子,相助观音普渡众生。Avalokiteshvara saved the world suffering, will become red mana to rein, shancaitongzi, help the salvation of guanyin.

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他一天的绝大部分时间用来接见信徒,赐福,再就是为普渡众生而修行祈祷。He spent most of his days receiving believers, whispering blessings and praying for the alleviation of mankind's suffering.

老师,现在我这尊观世音在家里念经、修行,普渡众生,做公德呢!Teacher, this Buddhist idol at home chants scripture, to lead a pious life now, universals restoration, makes the social ethics.

对于艺术家来说,“自我拯救”的最佳途径本来就是“普渡众生”,因为只有解放“他者”才能最后解放自己。For the artist, the best way to "self-salvation" is to "save the masses", and therefore, only by liberating "the Other" can one liberate oneself.

就像佛法希望普渡众生一样,看着亲友遭遇苦难,我也好希望可以帮到他们,却还是心有余而力不足。As Buddhism hope self-salvation, everytime when I see my friends and relatives suffer troubles, I hope I can help them, but the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.

我勇敢地面对这个世界。我最愿意做、也最具意义的是既能治病治穷、普渡众生,又能与蓝光的每一位合作伙伴分享健康财富,共享成功人生!In the brave face of the world, what I'd like to do most and worthiest is to share the health, wealth and success with each partner as well as social concern and universal salvation.