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是一种随便不拘礼节的词吗?Is"guy" an informal sort of word?

我们应该遵守礼节。We should observe the proprieties.

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在这里吃饭可以不拘礼节。There was no ceremony about dining.

忙归忙,但是电话礼节不能忘啊。We're very busy so call back later.

是一种随便不拘礼节的词吗?Be " guy " an informal sort of word?

这是一个在聚会中的隆重的礼节。This is a solemn curtsy in the party.

双手合十是泰国最基本的礼节。Namaste is a basic manner in Thailand.

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“网络礼节禁止这个项目”!The "Netiquette abolishment project" !

网络礼节是很复杂的事。The netiquette is of great complexity.

用汤匙舀取豌豆吃是不合礼节的。It's improper to eat peas with a spoon.

他想象--这当然是不合礼节的。He conjures -- surely this is indecorous.

这提出了一个棘手的礼节问题。This presented a ticklish etiquette problem.

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他全然不顾一切礼节。He has the greatest disregard for all formality.

在这里,不允许有不拘礼节的来往。Here informal goings and comings are not allowed.

这些标准和礼节已经不再流行了。These standards and proprieties no longer obtain.

在你生日时有什么比较特殊的礼节吗?Do you have any special rituals for your birthday?

接吻未必都与性爱有关。在欧美各国也意味着礼节。Kissing on the back of the palm signifies respect.

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普劳迪博士要废除各种仪式与礼节。Dr. proudie would abolish all forms and ceremonies.

他们受到不拘礼节的欢迎。They were received without ceremony, ie informally.

网上聊天时,你也要遵守网络礼节。You need to follow netiquette when chatting online.