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人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程。Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.

美国缓慢地开始倾听,但并非没有艰难曲折。Slowly and not without struggle, America began to listen.

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中国的奥林匹克之路经过了艰难曲折的历程。China's Olympic road after a difficult and tortuous process.

但这种“本土化”的过程并非一帆风顺,而是经历了艰难曲折的历程。The localization process was not went smoothly but full of hardship.

劳动是艰辛的,人的“神圣化”过程进而人类社会历史发展是艰难曲折的。Labor is hard work, and the process of human sacralization is arduous.

上篇1~3章概述了中国近代史学转型艰难曲折的历程。Chapters 1 to 3 trace the course of the historical paradigm in modern China.

同时,中国也走过了艰难曲折的发展道路。China has also travelled a tortuous and difficult path in the course of development.

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任何新生事物的成长都要经过艰难曲折的。Any emerging thing is bound to experience difficulties and setbacks before it reaches maturity.

马克思主义传入中国并为中国人所接受,经历了艰难曲折的过程。It proves rather hard meandering for Marxism to spread in China and be accepted by the Chinesepeople.

艰难曲折的寻子过程中,这辆奥迪车不断地出现在李启明的面前。In the arduous process of searching for his son, the stolen Audi constantly appears in front of teacher Li.

这无疑给他艺术生涯铺满了一条艰难曲折而又前途光明灿烂的大道。This gave him the career of art to overspread one without doubt difficult and the future bright bright main road.

儒家现代化的过程是一个充满反抗而又不断调适的艰难曲折的过程。Confucianism in the process of modernization is a constant adaptation and resistance of the difficult and tortuous process.

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这表明,传统教育向现代教育的转型必然要经历一个艰难曲折的过程。It indicated that the transformation of education from traditional type to modern one must go through a rough and zigzag way.

我们知道,我们国家在近代一百多年来,经过了很多艰难曲折,才出现了今天走向繁荣兴盛的局面。As we know, our country had a very hard time during the past hundred years. Today, it has finally got over and is flourishing.

自上世纪八十年代以来,语文教学一直在艰难曲折中徘徊,语文教学效率普遍偏低。Since 1980s, Chinese teaching has been ranging in the difficulty and arduousness , its efficiency is on the low side generally.

司法独立的思想在我国从认可到批判到再提倡,经过艰难曲折的历史发展。The ideology of the judiciary independence has experienced a difficult development from acceptance and animadverts to advocacy.

我们党和我国人民经历了艰难曲折,积累了丰富经验,愈益成熟起来。After going through all the hardships and setbacks, our Party and people have gained rich experience and become increasingly mature.

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但是,新中国监狱在矫正罪犯的实践探索中,却经历了艰难曲折的发展过程。However, the new China's prisons are in the practice and exploration, and experienced a difficult and tortuous process of development.

然而,每一次运动充满了艰难曲折与反复,外部挤压与内部混乱并起。However, every movement was full of hardships and setbacks, together with pressures from the outside and commotions inside the country.

1978年,中国城市化经历了艰难曲折的发展历程,长期徘徊在一个较低水平上。From 1949 to 1978, the Chinese urbanization went through a process with difficulties and set-backs, lingered on a lower level in a long-term.