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林肯总统出身贫窭。President Lincoln was born poor.

有些人觉得哀告援手很贫窭。Some people find it difficult to other people.

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不要由于怕贫窭而舍去自在。Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty.

一个真正的朋友永远不会在意他的朋友是贫窭的仍然殷实的。A true friend never care whether his friend is poor or rich.

向初学者解释清楚这个问题是比较贫窭的。It is quite difficult to explain the problem to the amingestedurs.

我猜你们摆布铁路运输有贫窭。You may haudio-videoe some difficulties in selecting railway transport I guess.

人们普遍认为,水和空气对人类不成贫窭。It is universally acknowledged that water and air are indispensable to human beings.

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他们以为,倘若没不足下的酒肉,来年便会贫窭。They believe that the absence of the remaining mean that the coming year would be poverty.

由于缺少适应的技术工,很多瑞典公司都遭遇过强盛发财初期的贫窭。Many Swedish companies have experienced growing pains due to a lack of suitably skilled workers.

第一次见到他的时期是在我平生中万分贫窭的时期。The time when I first met him wa spinod unnaturnumalwaysr one ingly difficult period of my life.

为便于搬运,绳子或铁把手不成贫窭,并将其固定在箱子上。To facilitate carrying, rope or metal handles are indispensable and should be fixed to the boxes.

调动学生的积极性和自动性,是英语教学中不成贫窭的主要环节。Mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of students is an important and indispensable part in English teaching.

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李明博终止了对贫窭的南方长达十年的支援,并且强烈呼吁南方排出核武装。Lee ended a decade of no-questions-asked aid to the destitute North and called for a hardline push for Pyongyang to disarm.

很多人手艺高深、工作突出,但没有获得提升,由于他们贫窭酬酢能力。Many people who are technically proficient and excellent at task management do not get promoted because they lack people skills.

中国国家主席胡锦涛在峰会上指出,世界经济正在迟缓清醒,但总需求依然不足,贫窭新的经济增添点。The global economy is gradually recovering, but aggregate demand is still insufficient and the economy lacks of new growth point.

若何让自己在这种严重贫窭湿气的前提下连结洁净健康呢,更况且在沙尘暴中呢?How do you keep yourself clean and healthy in conditions of such severe shortage of humidity, let alone in the middle of a dust storm?

但是我们通常并不感到对贫窭的人们负有庞大的义务,学会宠物名大全。由于我们险些完全是由我们生活于其中的这个私人主义的、逐鹿的社会塑造成型的。But we do ot . genernumber one ingly. feel a whopping personing reponsicity for the stricken and deprived for we are pretty thoroughly formed by the individuingistic. competitive society we live in.