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他的房子坐落在一个小丘上。His house is on a hillock.

BNG坐落在阳光明媚的亚利桑那州。BNG is located in sunny Arizona.

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日安!公司坐落在俄罗斯。Our company is located in Russia.

洛里•伯德要塞坐落在这里。Lori Berd fortress is located here.

它坐落在锦州的北宁市。It is located in Beining of Jinzhou.

这个镇坐落于河谷的尽头。The town lie at the end of the valley.

他们的房子坐落在半山腰。Their house is half-way down the hill.

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这个工作室坐落在草坪之上。The atelier is located across the lawn.

学校坐落在小河附近。The school is located near the rivulet.

绝路桥坐落于挪威的大西洋之路。A bridge on the Atlantic Road in Norway.

一个小型工厂坐落在河的南岸。South of the river lies a small factory.

消防站坐落在美茵大街。The fire house is located on Main Street.

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瓦杜兹镇坐落在山谷的底部。The town of Vaduz sits on the valley floor.

花径坐落于庐山的西谷之中。Huajing sits inside Mt. Lushan's West Valley.

坐落在美丽的滨海城市烟台。Located in the beautiful coastal city Yantai.

小镇坐落在欧洲的一个小岛上。The town locates on a small island in Europe.

丽江古城坐落在昆明的西北角。THE town of Lijiang lies northwest of Kunming.

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剧院坐落在一块草地的中央。The theatre located in the center of a meadow.

他们多多少少坐落在我的身体。They're located more or less where my body is.

这幢房子孤单地坐落在村外。The house stands by itself outside the village.