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我姑妈还养过一只猪作宠物呢。And my aunt used to keep a pet pig.

他们就象苏丝的姑妈一样胖。They’re all as fat as Susie’s aunt.

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露西姑妈刚去美国。Aunt Lucy has just left for America.

我的姑妈张口就是字贴上的格言。My aunt is full of copy-book axioms.

有时,玛丽在她的姑妈家包饭。Mary boards at her aunt 's sometimes.

回家途中我顺便到姑妈那儿去了一会儿。On my way home I stopped at my aunt's.

哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客。Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.

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我的姑妈掏出一只小银心。My aunt pulled out a small silver heart.

姑妈却提出不赞同的意见。A dissentient opinion came from the aunt.

我的姑妈用毛巾给我做了一个大布娃娃。My aunt made me a big doll out of towels.

“爷爷的姑妈,”父亲有一天对我解释说。"Grandpa's mima" he explained to me one day.

一次,姑妈有一个星期没在“山墙庄园”住。After being absent from The Gables for a week.

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在那之前,账目都由我姑妈管理。Before that, my aunt was doing the bookkeeping.

二十英寸!我长得跟琵蒂姑妈一样大了。Twenty inches! I've grown as big as Aunt Pitty.

“上帝保佑他的灵魂吧,”姑妈虔诚地说。God have mercy on his soul said my aunt piously.

夏天,我姑妈为渡假者包饭。My aunt boards holiday-makers during the summer.

他的姑妈喊着她的名字,哄着他出来。His aunt then coaxed him out by calling his name.

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饭菜不好吃,可姬特姑妈还往里加调味料。B. The food tasted bad, however Aunt Kit fixed it.

“咱家永远也干不出来那事儿,”姑妈说。"We should never do such a thing, " said the aunt.

她姑妈是个浮夸自负的胖老太太。Her aunt is a pompous and proud--and fat--old lady.