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枝干末稍,花茎末稍。Stem end and blossom end.

它翠绿的枝干伸向微风习习的天空。Its green boughs in the breezy sky.

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黑鹂坐在雪松枝干上。The blackbird sat In the cedar-limbs.

脱离天空和海洋的纠缠的枝干。Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean.

我的树将使鸟儿的窝安全地安在它的枝干上。My tree will make birds nest safely in its branches.

玉兰花也只留下光秃秃的枝干在那里苦撑。Magnolia leaving only bare branches where the bullet.

切掉正盛开的枝干,带回家,慢慢欣赏。Cut blooming branches and bring them indoors to enjoy.

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这些树的枝干会长出象牙般的根。These trees grow trunk-like roots from their branches.

这树的枝干长出许多新叶。The branches of the trees have many new leaves on them.

她闭上眼睛,倚靠在芒果树的枝干上。She closes her eyes and leans back on the mangoes' bark.

叶子很低,花的枝干却很高,宛如鹤立鸡群。Low leaf, flower branches is very high, like a stand out.

“玫瑰巨人”的枝干多刺,粗细和男人的手指差不多。The stems are as thick as a man's finger and very thorny.

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淤泥和雨水浸泡过的旧衣物也变得十分僵硬,挂满了大树的枝干。Old clothes, stiff from dirt and rain, hang from branches.

这些在电线上的枝干,正常情况下与电线距离好几英尺。The limbs on the power lines are normally several feet away.

他种了一种特优品种得醋栗,但这灌木猛涨枝干,越来越粗壮。He had one choice currant bush which had gone too much to wood.

春来了,大地暖,冰雪融化沁入深深的枝干。Spring coming, the cold melt, the white goes to the deep inside.

地面盘根错节,树身枝干缠绕。Their roots bulked above the ground and the branches were twisted.

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必须剪除一些枝干,让整棵树更好地生长。Some of the branches must be cut off in order for the tree to grow.

1970年时,扎根的枝干只有9条,到了2008年,这个数字竟翻了一番。It had only nine trunks in 1970, but that number had doubled by 2008.

它有灰褐色树皮,在嫩枝干上有淡灰色跳动的斑点。It has grey-brown bark, with light grey, corky dots on young branches.