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是的,上校先生。Yes, Captain, sir.

上校到达舰桥!Captain on the bridge!

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上校,但愿她安然无恙。And I hope she is well.

正在这时,上校出现了。Then the Capitan appears.

上校军阶高于上尉。A colonel ranks a captain.

雷斯上校急躁地骂开了。Colonel Race swore hastily.

瑞思考勒,这位62岁退休的授勋陆军上校,多年前就开始关注世界贸易中心的安保问题。World Trade Center for years.

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希望凯尔上校能联系我们。And hope that Kell contacts us.

有一天,我没有赶上校车。One day, I miss the school bus.

上校检阅他的部队。The colonel paraded his troops.

上校身后毫无遗物。Nothing remained of the colonel.

上校集合士兵列队接受检阅。The colonel paraded his soldiers.

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“上校有回答了,”他说。"Gerbier has answered, " he said.

那上校在他的心目中是个“匪徒”,而他在上校的眼里则是个“蠢才”。The colonel was "a bandit" to him.

那人是波拿巴的一个上校。He was one of Bonaparte's colonels.

海军上校还活着么?Is the Captain- General still alive?

上校的级别高于少校。Colonel Jones outranks everyone here.

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她的思想在德克雷上校那里找到了依托。Her mind reposed on colonel de craye.

嘿,上校,你的睫毛膏流掉了。Hey, Captain, your mascara's running.

躺在地上的那个便是上校。The one on the floor was the colonel.