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战争刀兵系列之坦克篇。National Geographic War Machines Tank.

我以为这是抵抗压力最有效的刀兵。I considered this as the most effective weapon against stress.

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要是你们必需做这个嘈吵的游戏,到别处去敲击你们的刀兵吧。If you must have this noisy game, go and clatter your arms elsewhere.

烂柯岁日刀兵见,方圆世界泪皆凝。Ke-year-old Japanese Black Daobing see, the tears around the world All condensate.

我相信,林则徐和左宗棠,曾从这种逼索中领悟过刀兵炮火的意义。I believe Lin Zexu and Zuo Zongtang also comprehended the meaning of war by ways of asking.

刀家祖屋外,日军杀害了刀锋的傻大哥刀兵。Knife home ancestral home outside, Japanese troops killed blade of silly eldest brother sword.

因为他们逃避刀剑,和出了鞘的刀,并上了弦的弓,与刀兵的重灾。For they fled from the swords, from the drawn sword, and from the bent bow, and from the grievousness of war.

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训练过的长刀兵可以用它来刺、砍或拉倒步行或骑马的敌人。A trained billmen can use it to stab, hack and drag down his enemies, including both infantry men and mounted troops.

双方抉择,不把各自节制下的计谋核刀兵瞄准对方。The two sides had decided not to target each other with the strategic nuclear weapons under their respective control.

丧乱的众人齐聚于海边刀家祖屋中,刀锋醒来见到的却是惨遭杀害的刀纹龙与刀兵的遗体。SangLuan gathered all the house of YuHaiBian knife blade wake up, ancestral home, you are murdered knife grain dragon and from the body.

求你容我们往旷野去,走三天的路程,祭祀耶和华我们的上帝,免得他用瘟疫、刀兵攻击我们。Now let us take a three-day journey into the desert to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, or he may strike us with plagues or with the sword.

在我看来,无论是哪个国家和哪种文化,起码的一点就是互相尊重,那样才会有一个友好的气氛,反之就该是刀兵相见了!I personally think, whichever country or culture, the basic is to respect each other then it'd be a nice atmosphere, otherwise then it'd be a war!

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由于不能像普通和重装长刀兵那样训练,长刀民兵战斗力较弱,但却是便宜和补充的部队。Not afforded the training of normal and heavy Billmen units, Bill Milita are weaker in combat but make up for it by being cheap replacable troops.

亚太16国带领人允诺加速经济一体化进程并呼呈朝鲜放弃核刀兵打算。Leaders of 16 Asia-Pacific countries have pledged to speed up in the economic integration and called on North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapon's programs.

多量逃离利比亚的武装图阿雷格族人让人们越来越担忧尼日尔和马里北部形式再度不稳,以及刀兵扩散到萨赫勒地域的基地组织分支的恐怖分子手里。Large groups of armed Tuaregs who fled Libya are raising concerns about renewed instability in northern Niger and Mali as well as the spread of weapons to al-Qaida affiliated terrorists in the Sahel.