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于是,我就同她商量。Then I discussed with her.

你对商量的印相如何?How did the plan strike you?

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我们和阿德拉夫人商量一下吧。Let's check with Mrs. Adela.

我是说一起商量一下旅行的事。I mean to talk about the trip.

公司的政策市没得商量的。Company policy is not negotiable.

再说一句,我就CEI你没商量。One more word, I'll knock you flat.

那你可以跟你的主人商量。That you may settle with your host.

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关于那件事我要和她商量一下。As regards that,I'll break with her.

我需要与我的同事商量一下。I need to consult with my colleagues.

我和玛丽商量过那件事。I advised with Mary about that matter.

不,我很抱歉,但这事没有商量余地。No, I'm afraid this is non-negotiable.

我们必须商量对策,看怎么才能打下这场战役。We must discuss how to win the battle.

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我有点要紧的事跟他商量。I have sth. urgent to discuss with him.

我要去见一个人,商量一下关于一个小袋鼠的事情。I'm going to see a man about a wallaby.

和气生财。我们可以商量。Then I'm afraid we can't work together.

也许我们应该跟客户商量商量。Maybe we should check with our customer.

然后他们商量如何实现这些目标。Then they discussed how to achieve them.

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经过大家的商量,同意由他安排晚会。We agree the soiree was arranged by him.

不,不,不光是这些话。我想和你商量点事。No, no, it is not. I want to consult you.

尼曼忍受不了,就去和思想家商量。Nieman stand, go and consult with thinker.