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参禅亦称坐禅。Zen meditation is called Zazen.

坐禅需要一丝不苟,细节是关键。Zazen is meticulous work and details are important.

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如果你刚开始坐禅,记住这是一种练习。If you're new to meditation, remember that it's a practice.

在接下来的三周,我每日坐禅仅5分钟。Over the following three weeks, I sat in daily meditation for only five minutes.

起初抹茶是在坐禅前饮用的,来帮助清醒头脑。It was originally drunk before meditation to help with mental awareness and clarity.

研究者发现,坐禅者确实比对照组有优势。Researchers discovered that the Zen meditators did have an edge over the control group.

坐禅的时候要坐得舒服,这样才可以坐得久而不挪位。You need to be as comfortable as possible during zazen so that you can sit without moving.

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像瑜伽、坐禅等等放松运动对释放压力很有帮助。Things like yoga, meditation, relaxation activities and exercise is great for relieving stress.

2007年,柏林禅寺生活禅第十五届夏令营营员在法师的带领下体会坐禅。Participants of the 15th Summer Camp of Life Chan in 2007 in still-sitting meditation led by a monk.

他戴著眼镜,于是我叫他拿掉眼镜然后闭著眼睛坐禅。He was wearing glasses so I made him take his glasses off and do sitting meditation with eyes closed.

如果家中有面空墙,我们可以进行坐禅,面对空墙会相对容易。If you have a white wall, that's when we did Zen meditation, it's easier if you're just facing a wall.

我听到拉玛那尊者的那句话时,已经认真坐禅二十年了。I had been meditating fairly intensely for around twenty years when I came across that line from Ramana.

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可是知天下,见天道并非一定要打坐禅修才能获得,这一点却是可以肯定的。But I am sure that knowing the heaven's Tao, it is unnecessary through sitting, practice of Zen and yoga.

当然,体育锻炼永远是极好的解压方法,但像瑜伽和坐禅这样较安静的活动也同样有效。Of course, physical exercise is always a great destressor, as are calmer activities like yoga and meditation.

比如,自我放松的高血压疗法如瑜伽、生物反馈和坐禅。For example, self-relaxation approaches to the therapy of hypertension include yoga, biofeedback , and meditation.

有些人到了坐禅打坐会话,因为他们喜欢的形式,和其他形式,尽管在来。Some people come to the zazen meditation sessions because they like the forms, and others come in spite of the forms.

从图书馆租一些坐禅、打太极或者练瑜伽的磁带。这些都是有效的应对焦虑的非医学方法。Rent a meditation, t'ai chi, or yoga tape from the library. They are all effective, nonmedical ways of dealing with anxiety.

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释永信出身于一个虔诚的佛教家庭,他于1981年在少林寺出家后学会了将武术与坐禅合二为一。When he moved to the temple from a devoutly Buddhist family in 1981, Yongxin learned to add kung fu moves to his meditation.

我要再强调一次,佛陀没有教我们闭著眼睛坐禅,因为这样做不会有什麽结果。I would like to emphasize once more that the Buddha didn't teach to sit with the eyes closed because doing so yields no results.

禅宗是主张坐禅的,而少林却将武术化进了禅的境界,一张一弛,文武独步天下!Zen meditation are advocated, and the Shaolin martial arts, however, and into the realm of Zen, a Yichi, Wenwu anywhere the world!