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夏天,我想在葡萄架下荡秋千。In Summer, I want to swing under the grapes stem.

我构不到葡萄架,好心的王妃,你帮我摘吧。I can't reach up that high, please pick them for me.

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在新疆,几乎每家的院子里都有葡萄架。In Xinjiang, the courtyard of almost every home has a grape trellis.

波克,爸埋在葡萄架下大橡木桶里的那些玉米威士忌酒怎么样了?。Pork, what of the corn whisky Pa buried intheoak barrel underthe arbor ?

我躺在母亲的身边,透过葡萄架的缝隙,一颗一颗地数着天上的星星。I am lying on the mother's side, the cracks, one by one to a few of the stars.

如果趴在葡萄架下还能听见他们对话。If lying under the grape pergola, you can hear they are talking to each other.

这些葡萄树种植密集,有5到20年的树龄,由葡萄架支撑。They are densely planted, aged between 5 and 20years, and supported by trellising.

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没有和他在葡萄架下当过秋千,没有赛跑,没有玩过跳绳。No swinging in grapevine swings for him, no running races, no playing skipping games.

外婆家的葡萄架上的葡萄一大串一大串的,红里透青,青里透亮,像一颗珍珠亮晶晶的。My grandma's for a big string of a string of grapes on the grape, red in blue, bright green, like a pearl shiny.

是日晚,将军于葡萄架下邀纵队诸领导秉烛痛饮,大醉。That evening, the generals in the cluster under the leadership of surrender invited to fill all the columns, Me.

葡萄架上的葡萄一窜窜、一簇簇,像一颗颗紫色的珠子,紫得发黑,让人真想咬它一口。Grapes on a channeling channeling a , as one finally purple beads, purple was black, people really want a bite it.

此外,七夕夜深人静之时,人们还能在葡萄架或其他的瓜果架下听到牛郎织女在天上的脉脉情话。In addition, on the Qixi night, people still could hear their murmur in the heaven under the stand of grapes or other fruit.

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到了夏季的夜晚,母亲依然带着我在葡萄架下乘凉,那张宽大的竹床因少了父亲而显得更加宽敞。Summer night, the mother is still with me in the shade under the , broad face and a small while his father is even more spacious.

一只狐狸,就在复古的时候,偷偷溜进了一个葡萄园,葡萄架上成熟的阳光高显得十分诱人。Fox just at the time of the vintage stole into a vine-yard where the ripe sunny Grapes were trellised up on high in most tempting show.

在七夕夜深人静之际,少女们还会躲到葡萄架下或槿树篱笆旁,相传可以偷听到织女相思的哭泣声。In the Tanabata night, the girls will hide under a grape tree near the fence or has it can steal hear the cries of the boy was missing.

如果我说自己不想或不愿娶美女,这很容易让人联想到葡萄架下那口是心非的酸狐狸。If I say that they do not want or do not want to marry beautiful women, it is easy to Putao Jia people think that under the double-acid fox.

另有几只狐狸来到一个更高的葡萄架下,经过友好协商,利用叠罗汉的方法,成果共享,皆大欢喜!Some other foxes came to a higher grape trellis. After friendly consultation, they reached grapes by pyramid building and shared the grapes. Everyone is happy.

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小小的院落,亲情浓郁,结出了果家的葡萄架那么的清雅,四围的鱼塘又是那么的安宁。Small yard, family rich, and has yielded results as the elegant home of kind of the vintage, all around the ponds it is so peaceful. Much of the Qing Caowei BR.

只是依稀记得,在星河灿烂的夏季夜晚,年轻的父亲会搬上一张宽宽的竹床,放到我们家院子里的葡萄架下,然后我们就坐在那里乘凉。Only vaguely remember, in the summer of Xinghe brilliant night, the young father will onto a broad, put our house under yard, and then we sat there on the shade.

葡萄园游从酒厂开始,在葡萄园讲解葡萄种植技术,葡萄成长知识以及葡萄架管理。The vineyard tour starts in the winery grounds and moves to the vineyard, where there is an explanation of viticultural practices and berry development and canopy management.