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尤其是适用于控制纤维性和有微小固体颗粒的悬浊液介质的理想产品。It's particular suitable for controlling fibrous and suspension with small solid.

本文报道将壳聚糖用于絮凝药用膨润土悬浊液。The flocculating property of chitosan on medicinal bentonite suspension has been investigaeted.

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能够处理溶液、悬浊液、糊状物及腐蚀性、高硬度等多种物性的物料。Be able to deal with the solution, suspension, paste and corrosive, high hardness materials, etc.

在反应容器中加入约473升二氯甲烷以稀释悬浊液。Approximately 473 L of methylene chloride was added to the reaction vessel to dilute the suspension.

适用于含有纤维性或有微小固体颗粒的悬浊液及固态颗粒状的控制。Suitable for containing fibrous or fine suspension of solid particles and the solid, particulate control.

细胞悬浊液占用的空间比鸡蛋少,并且还具有可以冷冻贮藏的额外优点。Cell suspensions take up less room than eggs and have the added advantage of being able to be stored frozen.

不同种类的溶液、悬浊液、乳浊液和膏糊状物料可实现一次性连续干燥生产。Different types of solution, suspension, emulsion and cream paste material can be dry for a one-time production.

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本文以高岭土悬浊液为处理对象,设计了一系列性能实验方案。This paper designed a series of performance experiment schemes, setting the suspending liquid of kaolin as the target.

论文还考察了以高岭土悬浊液为模拟体系时,不同种类的有机高分子的助凝性能。Meanwhile this thesis studied on the characteristics of OPFs working as assistant flocculants in kaolin simulated suspending liquid.

研究了利用超临界CO2萃取技术提取的植物单宁提取液对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝效果。By supercritical CO2 process water extracts of vegetable tannin applied to treat Kaolin suspension and their flocculation properties were investigated.

目的评价布地奈德雾化悬浊液联合复方异丙托溴铵溶液治疗儿童哮喘急性发作的临床疗效。Aim To investigate the effect and safety of nebulized budesonide suspension plus albuterol and ipratropium bromide inhaled in treatment of attack of asthma in children.

在瓦特镍镀液中加入添加剂后获得较稳定的悬浊液,利用这种镀液制得珠光效果良好的珍珠镍镀层。A very stable emulsion was obtained with addition of one additive in Watts nickel electroplating bath. Using the emulsion an even satin-finished nickel coating was prepared.

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试验了它对染料废水的脱色效果及对高岭土悬浊液的去浊效果,并与PAC的去浊效果进行了比较。The properties and effectiveness of PSAM for wastewater treatment were studied and compared with those of PAC. Factors, affecting decoloration and flocculation were examined.

目的评价布地奈德雾化悬浊液联合复方异丙托溴铵溶液治疗儿童哮喘急性发作的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the effective and safety of nebulized budesonide suspension plus Albuterol and ipratropium bromide inhaled in treatment of attack of asthma in children.

根据稳定悬浊液的吸光特性,建立了新双波长分光光度法测定头孢氨苄含量。In accordance with the light absorbing property of stable suspension, the method for determinating the content of cefalexin capsule by new double wavelength spectrophotometry was established.

从本质上讲,絮凝工艺是专门用以改变悬浊液中颗粒粒度分布的,沉淀和过滤工艺也只能去除某些具有一定粒径的颗粒。Essentially, flocculation process is used to change particle size distribution of suspension, and units of sedimentation and filtration can only remove particles of a certain grain size range.

通过对光在微生物悬浊液中传播机理的分析和研究,研制了一套智能微生物浓度测量系统。该系统采用特制的光纤传感器,并用单片机进行数据处理。The litle measurement system is developed on the grounds of exhaustive analysis and investigation of the optical propagation in microbe by application of light scattering and transport theory.

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在详细分析激光粒度仪工作原理的基础上,介绍了一种分层方法,用于修正高浓度悬浊液而引起的测量误差。On the basis of analyzing the operation principle of laser particle sizer, we introduce a method of delamination which is employed to revise the measurement error by high concentration suspension.

用增值性和选择性培养基从活性污泥中分离出高絮凝活性物质微生物B-1,用B-1对高岭土悬浊液进行絮凝性能实验研究。Microbial flocculate B-1 is separated from high activated sludge by breeding and selectivity-media and is used in experimental research of microbial flocculation properties of kaolinite suspension.

并对活化过程中的一系列影响因素,如活化温度、活化时间、碳酸钙悬浊液浓度、表面改性剂用量进行了研究。And proceeded the research to a series of influence factor in activate process, such as the activation time, activation temperature the concentration of calcium carbonate and the dose of activators.