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大阳明亮地照耀着。The Sun shines brightly.

月亮伤心地照耀着。The moon is shinning sadly.

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我是照耀在金色麦浪上的缕缕阳光。I am the sun on ripened grain.

阳光照耀着大地。Sunlight smites over the earth.

我清理了皇后,直到她照耀.I cleaned Queen until she shone.

你的金色阳光会照耀着我!Your golden sun will shine for me!

梦见你睡在阳光照耀的草地上Dream that sleep is a sunlit meadow

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祝你此后风生水起,阳光永远照耀你,上帝永与你同在。May the wind always be at your back.

苹果在阳光照耀下逐渐熟了。The apples are mellowing in the sun.

太阳又开始温暖地照耀着,云雀在歌唱,美丽的春天已经来临了。The sun began to shine warmly again.

太阳照耀而薄雾逐渐消散。The sun shone and the mist dissipated.

我看见太阳照耀在清朗的天空中。I saw the sun out of a clear azure sky.

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阳光照耀是不分好坏的。The sun shines upon good and bad alike!

太阳光穿过大雾泛白地照耀着。The sun shone whitely through the mist.

在阳光的照耀下茁壮成长。I would grow up stongly in the sunshine.

夜晚到来,月亮照耀着大地。When the night came and the moon glowed.

外面,阳光照耀,小鸟啾啾。Outside, the sun shone and birds chirped.

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太阳总以灿烂微笑来照耀。With a colorful smile, does always shine.

再没有迟来的光照耀我的天宇。No later light has lightened up my heaven.

太阳透过阴云照耀着。The sun beamed throught the dreary clouds.