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这是一颗新星!It was a nova!

凤岗有没有小新星。Fenggang has no new star.

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斯里坎斯是新星啊!Srikanth is the new star!

但是这位23岁的新星并不只是花瓶。But the 23-year-old is more than mere eye candy.

在这张老电影的剧照中,一颗新星已闪亮登场。The young star is captured in an old film still.

城运会的目的是要发现有希望的体育新星。It is intended to find new promising sports persons.

利物浦正尾百度行西班牙新星凯文·拉克鲁兹。Liverpool are on the trail of Spanish starlet Kevin Lacruz.

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对1975年天鹅座新星进行了偏振测光。Polarimetric observations of Nova Cygni 1975 are presented.

我喜欢阿萨法·鲍威尔和泰森·盖伊,他们是跑道上的新星。I like Asafa Powell and Tyson Gay, they are new track stars.

无论是元老还是新星,每个人都想卡卡回来。From old senators to the new stars, everyone wants Kaka back.

尤文的新星倍受赞誉,德尚意识到那些溢美之辞中暗含的危险。Deschamps is aware of the dangers of over-hyping rising stars.

新星进入星云阶段之后,不能使用常规的恒星观测的化归公式。Point 1. is not observed, when the Novae are in nebular stage.

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为什么中国每年有数百万家长选择小新星英语?。Why do millions of parents choose New Star English every year?

塞伦特索夫称,只有这样才能使“新星号”停船。Selentsov said only this way could bring the "New Star" to a halt.

可以这么说,我们必须尽量吸引新星来我们国家。That we have to try to bring new stars to the lights, so to speak.

芬兰新星射手劳利-瓦拉-瓦勒是利物浦为之兴奋的希望之星之一。Lauri Dalla Valle is one of the most exciting prospects at Liverpool.

他们并未征招劳尔,但是他们拥有许多极具前途的新星。They have not got Raul but they have all the most promising youngsters.

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据报道利物浦一月份希望引进达伽马的新星尼尔顿。Liverpool are poised for a January move for Vasco da Gama starlet Nilton.

此次爆炸产生的物质最终会形成一些新星和星球。The matter from the explosion will eventually form new stars and planets.

天空体育检验了瑞典最火热的新星埃米尔-巴伊拉米。The Sky Sports Scout checks on Sweden's hottest new prospect Emir Bajrami.