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我和吉姆对起事的意见从来不一致。Jim and I have never seen eye to eye on this matter.

要是我下令掉头的话,他们会立刻起事的。If i gave the word to go about , they would rise at once.

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足球队支持者在己方球队失败后闹起事来。The football supporters ran riot after the defeat of their team.

全世界每年用两百起事万吨塑料制作瓶装水的塑料瓶。Worldwide 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water each year.

广西“匪患”对于金田起事的影响并非学术界从前认为的那样有利。Evil of banditry in Guangxi was not so conducive to Jintian Rise as it was thought to be.

报道里那些在这起事故土遇难的年轻舞蹈演员是北京大学的学生。The young girl dancers killed in the accident were reported to be students from Beijing University.

最著名的华沙起事是犹太人悻然抵抗纳粹的一个辉煌例证。That the most famous Warsaw revolts is that Jew fights against a brilliant example of fascist in anger.

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而一些无法确认来源的消息则称有维吾尔族起事者在喀什葛尔和古尔加遭到逮捕。There have also been unconfirmed reports of numerous arrests of Uighur activists in the cities of Kashgar and Gulja.

咸同贵州号军起义并非一次单纯的农民起义或民族战争,而是一次综合了民族矛盾、阶级矛盾等多种因素在内的民间教门起事。Guizhou "Hao Army" Uprising is not a purely peasant rebel or national war, though lots of peasants and nationalities take part in it.

清方剿捕重点的转移使拜上帝会于起事后不久便面临着重兵围困,形势相当险峻。As the new extermination object of the Qing troops, the Society of God Worshipers was soon heavily besieged and in a vulnerable position.

正在拔枪想要自杀之时,身已有孕的孙云龙妻子赶到,下跪请求孙云龙放弃起事。Is pulling a gun to commit suicide, when the body has been pregnant wife yun-long sun arrived, kneel request yun-long sun give up uprising.

现在我每天仍接受考验。有人想与安娜塔西亚寻衅起事。又有麻烦来了,因为我处理自己的事。我想我应该让你知道。Now I'm still tested everyday, and people try to mess with Anastasia. Got another thing coming 'cause I handle mine, and I thought I better let you know.

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1959年,藏传佛教的精神领袖达赖喇嘛和他的数千名追随者在反对汉人统治起事失败后逃亡到印度。Tibetan Buddhism's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, and thousands of his followers fled to India from Tibet in 1959 during a failed revolt against Chinese rule.

如果1916年站在邮政大楼外的警察像昨天早上那么多的话,那次革命将无法顺利起事。Had there been as many policemen standing outside the general post office in 1916 as there were yesterday morning, the rising would never have got off the ground.

徐汉元命令安平及彪子二人分别将这些军官家眷护送回锦州交给林午阳,让准备起事的军官心有顾忌。Xu Hanyuan command anping and puma son two people will be escorted back to jinzhou to these officers dependents Lin Wu Yang, lets get uprising officers have scruples.

目前阿拉伯世界的骚乱不可避免地,可能也是不公平地与1989年东欧针对社会主义政权的起事——也是最后一场与之相当规模的社会巨变——相比较。Inevitably, and perhaps unfairly, the current Arab tumult has been compared with the uprising against Communism in Eastern Europe in 1989, the last great social upheaval of comparable scale.