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秦王朝的统治思想是一种杂家思想,它利用宗教神学思想来神化统治。It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.

作为一个有使命感和责任感的编辑工作者,就应该有“为他人作嫁衣”的奉献精神,努力做一名杂家。As a editor who should have a mission and responsibility, a spirit of devotion and try to be a jack-of all-trades.

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秦王朝的统治思想是一种杂家思想,它利用宗教神学思想来神化统治。The rule thought of Oin Dynasty is a kind of eclectic thought. It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.

在现代,所有领域的专家都被严重高估了。我们需要更多的‘杂家’,即能够提供广泛观念的人。In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly overrated. We need more generalists ---- people who can provide broad perspectives.

前辈学者对之已多所纠正,子部杂家类的问题尤多。The predecessor scholars have corrected some of the errors. Zi Radical and Miscellaneous Scholars catalogue have even more problems.

杂家实验室为艺术家和文化创新提供空间和资源,努力推动创新艺术的发展。Zajia Lab provides space and resources for artists and cultural innovators, serving as an incubator for the creation of art and culture.

前辈学者对此已多有纠正,而有关子部杂家类的问题尤多。The scholastic precursors have made a lot of amendments to these problems, and there are much more defects in the Eclectics Category of Zi Radical.

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现代信息技术的发展和期刊业的变化要求编辑既是“杂家”,更是“学者”,这才是合格、称职编辑的应有之义。The technological development in modern information and change of the periodical industry require editors to be both an all-round person and a scholar.

它强烈反对现代主义的各种观点,并且坚持形式发展的多样性,可以说是杂糅了各种风格,颇有“杂家”的意味。It strongly objects all kinds of viewpoints of modernism and insists of the diversity of form development which mixes with all sorts of styles rather of miscellaneous ness.

在这段时期内,那些喜欢在文化方面卖弄的杂家获得了崇高的社会地位,那些家伙居然能够公然鼓吹一些历史上无数的霸权文化的产物。During this period, status rewards went to the ostentatious cultural omnivores — those who could publicly savor an infinite range of historically hegemonized cultural products.

研究先秦杂家对于认识不同历史时期中国传统学术文化形态之间的转化,有启发和借鉴的价值。In short, the study of pre-Qin Eclectics is an enlightening and thought-provoking way to understand the historical transformation of various traditional Chinese cultural forms.