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他在过去几年中终于开始显山露水。It has come to the surface over the last few years.

等他完全俘虏你的心时,他的平庸就显山露水了。Until he fully when he captured your mediocrity would be.

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真正的幸福不显山露水,它摈弃浮华和喧嚣。True happiness is of a retired nature, and enemy to pomp and noise.

但是一旦遭遇财政危机,这一体系的弊端就开始显山露水。But in the worst financial crisis in decades, the flaws are glaring.

而她的父亲只在逢年过节时方才显山露水、上灶炒菜。Her father had just only when the holidays, somewhere, on the stove cooking.

纵使身材依旧完好也无需显山露水、故意炫耀。Even if body is still intact need not somewhere, and deliberately to show off.

简化,就是消除不必要的,必要的才显山露水。The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.

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作为集装箱船船东的注册国,摩纳哥和以色列这两个国家在近年来开始显山露水。Monaco and Israel have both recently emerged as countries of domicile for owners of containerships.

她在环视四周、顺着弄堂窥探屋里笑声不断的人群时,想尽量不显山露水。She tried not to be obvious as she looked about and peered down the hall into the laughing group inside.

希拉里当然做的很不错,但还有一大群不显山露水的女性,她们和佩林更为相像。Fikse, the high-tech-firm manager. 'Good for Hillary for what she is doing. But there is a silent majority that is more like Sarah Palin.