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一个嚣张的贱种。One irritating little son of a bitch.

政府这么能嚣张吗?So government can be such unruliness?

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这些混蛋现在太嚣张了!These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!

我发现他在法庭审判现场表现得非常嚣张,不思悔改。I found him arrogant and unrepentant at the trial.

我要把你洗的脸掉层皮,看你还嚣张。I am gonna scrub that smug look right off your face.

对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处。The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan.

整个人带着一种嚣张的华美。The whole individual takes a kind of overbearing gaudiness.

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我不能相信的嚣张地区检察官在耶拿。I cannot believe the brazenness of the District Attorney in Jena.

守卫却是态度嚣张不让萧妃入宫。The guards are arrogant attitude not let XiaoFei into the palace.

珍珠港事件爆发,日寇的气焰更加嚣张。The flames of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese aggressors more aggressively.

李旭脸上的嚣张之意在他挂了电话后就特别的旺盛了。Li Xu Lian's overbearing motif after he hanged a telephone specially prosperous.

沙漠战事的得手,本来会意味着隆美尔的气焰嚣张的军队的毁灭。Success in the Desert would have meant the destruction of Rommel's audacious force.

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主角是越前龙马,天才少年,嚣张的一年级新生。The main character is Echizan Ryoma an arrogant first-year who is a tennis prodigy.

难怪人家说地宫酒店嚣张跋扈,可是,怎麽可能呢?No wonder people said this hotel was pushy and bullying. But, how was this possible?

她极其嚣张,在她的申诉,以及污蔑和侮辱我!She was extremely arrogant in her claim, as well as denigrating and insulting to me!

在顺心嚣张的态度下,苏切本想让颂强硬将朵索抱走。Under the satisfactory arrogant attitude, wanted to Sue for a tough ode to line out.

为了整治这个嚣张的企业,买光超市的王老吉!Rectification to the arrogance of the enterprises, the supermarket to buy Wang Lao -Kat !

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李启铭的嚣张跋扈触动了敏感话题,因为这看起来是再熟悉不过的事例。The younger Li's arrogance touched a nerve because it seemed an all-too-familiar example.

而这句话也成了官员嚣张和免罚的委婉说法。My father is Li Gang! "That phase became a euphemism for official arrogance and impunity."

至关重要的一步,我将在本周五跟大家细细道来,如果我很嚣张地失败了怎么办?What was the key step that I said I needed to do on Friday but failed very publicly to do so?