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这块石头把汽车的顶棚砸出一个坑!The rock made a dent in the roof of the car.

烟筒应该安装在机舱顶棚上。Funnel shall be installed above the engine casing.

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雨点把排气管敲得叮当作响,露台顶棚上砰砰砰砰,响个不停。They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof.

如市政工程上的公共场所的阳光顶棚。Such as municipal works in public places on the sun roof.

正面看台没有太阳,是有顶棚的。There is no sun in the grandstand. It's completely covered.

客厅延续到室外有顶棚的生活空间。The living room continues to an outdoor canopied living space.

施工人员指着现已设备好的顶棚说。Construction personnel said, pointing to now equipment good roof.

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如波浪起伏的竹顶棚,构筑了大厅里戏剧般的场景。The waved ceiling creates a dramatic visual expression within the hall.

他现在是永冠公司的老板,永冠是中国最大的顶棚制造商之一。He is now the boss of Yongguan, one of China’s largest shelving companies.

外面下着雨,很冷,可是我们教室却没有顶棚,没有暖气。It was raining and cold outside but we had no ceilings, we had no heating.

你应该在那片地的周围上篱笆,给婶子加上顶棚,把那个洞填上。You should fence in that field, roof in that courtyard and fill in that hole.

顶棚中间镶嵌的是大明成化年间的盘子和碟子。On the ceilings are plates and saucers of the Chenghua Period of Ming Dynasty.

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雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes, beating cracklingly the roof of the yard.

比如,顶棚上安装吸音板就有助于减少声音的传播。For example, acoustical tile on a ceiling serves to reduce the propagation of sound.

用于建筑墙体内外表面和顶棚装饰的预制干混砂浆。Used for building wall and ceiling adornment inside surface of prefabricated dry mortar.

为了使蝙蝠车的顶棚能够打开和关闭,专门成立了一只工作组,他们建造了令一辆蝙蝠车。To make all of that origami fold and unfold, a separate team built yet another Batmobile.

而与Prius类似,Auris的顶棚很可能也装有太阳能电池,这些电池产生的能量将用于驱动车内的鼓风机。Also similar to the Prius, it can be had with a solar roof that powers a cabin ventilation fan.

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通过灰姑娘式的玻璃顶棚观赏外面美景,能避免你颈部疲劳。Cinderella-type glass roofed carriages help prevent neck strain from all that landscape ogling.

当声爆发生时,冲击波击打地面,可能震破窗户或造成顶棚破裂。When this happens, a shock wave hits the earth and may break windows or cause ceilings to crack.

混合相型粉刷石膏是一种新型理想的墙体及顶棚抹灰材料。The mixed-phase plastering gypsum is a new type ideal plastering material for walls and ceilings.