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在他下葬的那天,我像个孩子一样痛哭流涕。At his grave today, I cried like a baby.

在没有它的第一个小时,我痛哭流涕。For the first hours without him, I cried. A lot.

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一听到她爸爸去世,她便痛哭流涕。On hearing that her dad died, she cried her eye out.

她痛哭流涕,一边用手扯她的头发。She cried bitterly, rending her hair with her hands.

到处是尖叫声和痛哭流涕。Here and there, it was screams, tears of distress and grief.

输了球就像个大婴儿似的痛哭流涕?。You bawling like a big baby because you lost that ball game?

你们对我如此的好,我几乎要痛哭流涕了。You have been so good to me I feel I could burst with gratitude.

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他看着在他面前痛哭流涕的我的母亲,艰难地咽了口唾沫。He swallowed hard as he watched my mother weeping in front of him.

如果连这枚草簪都无法拥有,我们怎能不痛哭流涕呢?If we couldn't have the hairpin , how can we do not burst into tears?

玛丽听到她丈夫的死讯时痛哭流涕。Mary broke bown tearfully when she was told the death of her husband.

我痛哭流涕,悔恨自己没将全部都献给你。I bitterly wept and wished that I had had the heart to give thee myall.

所以,不得在等妈妈经你剥荔枝的时候痛哭流涕!So, can not at etc. the mother shell litchi by you of time cry bitterly !

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沵一想到自己旳爱情史,会痛哭流涕,麻木不仁。As soon as you thought own love love history, can cry one's heart out, numb.

从一些视频片段中可以看到死者亲属在家里和医院中痛哭流涕。Video footage showed some relatives of the dead wailing in their homes and in hospitals.

我忍不住痛哭流涕,打开吧台喝光了一小瓶香槟。I opened up the minibar and drank down one of those pathetic little bottles of champagne.

热气腾腾的血、公墓中人满之患、痛哭流涕的慈母,这些都是有力的控诉。Smoking blood, over-filled cemeteries, mothers in tears,-- these are formidable pleaders.

湖水伏卧在山脚,好像是跪在坚拒者的裙裾下,痛哭流涕地求爱。The lakes lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible.

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阿娇在偷拍事件后痛哭流涕,表示自已以后无脸面对小朋友。Ejiao after the 1906 incident in the film, said that after a face to face their own children.

整个下午,他都在乌苏娜怀里痛哭流涕,乌苏娜宁愿掏出心来安慰他。He wept one whole afternoon in úrsula's lap and she would have sold her soul in order to comfort him.

我在我的讲习班中新增了冥想这样环节,而且每次人们总会情不自禁地开始痛哭流涕。I lead a meditation in my workshops on forgiveness, and every time, without fail, people start crying.