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其实λ就是希腊字母中的。L It is the Greek letter for L.

在大多数化学教材上,也有用希腊字母X表示的。But, in most chemistry texts, it's also chi.

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Omega是希腊字母表中的最后一个字母。Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

我们在数学中常用的这些符号是希腊字母。Such symbols as we use in maths are Greek letters.

我能阅读希腊字母是由于我说俄语。I'm helped with the alphabet by the fact I speak Russian.

他们经常出去玩,而这些组织都是用希腊字母命名的。They just party a lot. They group up in these Greek letters.

我喜欢f这个字母,但是书上用希腊字母υ来表示频率。I prefer the letter f, but our book uses the Greek letter nu.

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现在我们来看一下如何寻找一个以希腊字母命名的恒星。Let's now see how to find a st ar which is labelled with a Greek letter.

一长条扭曲破裂的纸莎草纸,上面写着一排希腊字母。A long torn twisted strip of papyrus, on which a column of Greek letters are written.

另一种选择是使用小写希腊字母来表示这种元变量谓词。Another option is to use Greek lower-case letters to represent such metavariable predicates.

怎么输入特殊符号,单位符号,拼音,数字符号,希腊字母等。How to input special symbols, unit symbols, alphabet, numbers symbols, Greek letters and etc.

在两千五,希腊字母来命名风暴在大西洋首次使用。In two thousand five, Greek letters had to be used for the first time to name storms in the Atlantic.

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我们习惯用希腊字母rho表示,如果你使用Excel,会用correl表示,有时我也用corrWe tend to use the Greek letter rho, If you were to use Excel, it would be correl or sometimes I say corr.

该项目将在希腊的语言,所以你必须进行编码的脚本来接受我们的服务器希腊字母。The project will be in Greek language, so you will have to encode the script to accept Greek letters on our server.

是希腊字母表里最后一个字母,代表这次任务是航天飞机计划里的最后一次飞行。Omega, the last letter in the Greekalphabet, recognizes this mission as the last flight of the Space ShuttleProgram.

从狭义上来说,它主要是学院或大学里男生的主要社会组织,通常以希腊字母命名。In narrow sense, it is a chiefly social organization of men students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters.

许多出土的艾特鲁斯坎工艺品上刻有希腊字母,几乎可以确认,这些字母是从公元前775年居住在意大利西部的希腊殖民者那里传入的。Many Etruscan artefacts areinscribed with the Greek alphabet, almost certainly borrowed from Greekcolonists who settled in western Italy around 775 BC.

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本文中,我们将这两个模拟方法应用到逐路径法估计证券价格的希腊字母的问题中,并比较两者的计算结果。In this paper we apply these two simulation methods in estimating derivatives of security prices with pathwise method and compare the computational results.

我一次又一次地听到我们学校的毕业生宣传他们在大学讲座中学到跟从体育活动,希腊字母协会或五弦琴和曼陀林俱乐部差不多或者一样多。From the lectures at college is equal to, or approximate to what they had learnt from the athletics or the Greek letter society or the Banjo and Mandolin Club.

你可以把其中一个,写成另外一个乘以某个常数,而这个常数,通常就表示为希腊字母λ,我不知道你们见过没有。You can write one of them as a constant times the other one, and that constant usually one uses the Greek letter lambda. I don't know if you have seen it before.