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詹姆斯对此深有同感。James feels the same way.

他听到一声颇有同感的叹气声。He heard an I-thought-so sigh.

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许多人都跟陈蓉有同感。Many feel the same way as Chen.

有多少人有同感呢How many of you have that feeling?

对于眼前这棵树,我也有同感。I felt the same way about the tree.

我和她有同感,于是我们站起身来就走。I agreed. So we got up and walked out.

我真的对这个理由深有同感。I do have some sympathy with this excuse.

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我对他的意见深有同感。I have a lot of sympathy for his opinions.

前去观看影片的法蒂玛与他有同感。Movie-goer Fatima seems to share his view.

我也有同感,那让我精疲力尽。I feel the same way. It makes me exhausted.

这样的处境,秦观目前深有同感。Qin now finds himself in a similar situation.

我和内人同感赞赏你们做为新手父母的警觉。My wife and I admire your vigilance as new parents.

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曾在大公司工作过的人都会有同感。Anyone who's worked for a large organization has felt this.

我对你也有同感。哥哥也很时尚。Also I have a feeling about you. Oppa is really fashionable.

无知的公主跟商贾们没甚麽同感。The ignorant princess has little empathy with the businessmen.

取名字的压力素来很大,这一点所有新爸新妈都有同感。A namer takes on a heavy burden, as any new parent could report.

我自己是个独生子,因此对劳拉深有同感。As an only child myself, I had a certain fellow feeling for Laura.

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从青少年时期就扮演圣诞老人的克里夫•施耐德深有同感。Cliff Snider, who's been playing Santa since he was a teenager, agrees.

我深有同感。我收藏了很多VCD和DVD,数量多得简直快把我埋起来了。I feel the same. I collected a lot of VCD and DVD. They almost buried me.

我也有同感。不过人们常说,没有不散的宴席。I feel that way, too. But all good things must come to an end, as they say.