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佛教说“邪魔外道”。" Buddhism says, "Evil is alien to Truth.

一个是正道,一个是邪魔。One is a appropriate direction, one is a demon.

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从窃取凯尔特人的大镰刀停止邪魔。Stop the demons from stealing the Scythe of the Celt.

祭司们从这个女孩身上驱除邪魔。The priests exorcised the young girl of evil spirits.

有些罗马人是邪魔的化身——卡里古拉、尼禄等等。Some of the most evil men were Roman – Caligula, Nero and others.

但傻子们却把这叫着魔力,而且他们认为这种魔力得之于邪魔。It is what fools call magic and what they think is caused by demons.

在精神净化后,他遇见邪魔并展开激烈的战斗。After spiritual purification, he meets the demon in a thrilling fight.

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断行法也能根除疾病,断除外界邪魔的干扰。This practice also eliminates illnesses and purifies disturbances by evil spirits.

侯爵的豪宅有巨大的光明力量加持,保证不被邪魔入侵。Marquis has a huge mansion and a bright forces to guarantee not to be demon invasion.

任盈盈更说他们都是来加入恒山派的,这就没有邪魔外道一说了。Ying ying as more said they were sent to join the park, it did not say the crooked ways.

许多人过去常认为,它挡住邪恶的精神和邪魔负责对抗病症。Many people used to think that it warded off evil spirits and demons responsible for illnesses.

弓对古老瘟疫、力量迷惑和您自己的内在邪魔治疗的异想天开。Bow to the whims of an ancient plague, the power to mystify and a cure of your own inner demons.

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他用权柄和能力命令邪魔,而他们竟出去了!He commands the evil spirits with authority and power. He orders, and you see how they come out!

她坚决拒绝相信她父亲与邪魔歪道早有任何方面的关联。She resolutely refused to believe that her father was in any way connected with any crookedness.

那是一项紧急信息,要求最近的巫师到朱富番村来驱走邪魔。It was an urgent message for the nearest magic man to come to Juffure and drive out evil spirits.

一个人爱德坚固,遇著诱惑就能稳立不动,邪魔的诡计也哄不了他。The brave lover stands firm in temptations and pays no heed to the crafty persuasions of the enemy.

比方说,有的人会避免说「鬼」这个字,因为他们觉得这样做会招来邪魔。For example, some people avoid saying the word "ghost" because they think it will attract evil demons.

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加拿大人在元旦那天不但不“自扫门前雪”,反而在房屋四周堆上雪,以此来防止邪魔入侵。Instead of clearing away snow, the Canadians pile snow around their houses on New Year's Day to keep away evils.

伊西拉怒视着提利昂,用三根手指做了个剧烈的动作——一种避开邪魔的手势。Ysilla glared at Tyrion and made a peculiar stabbing gesture with three of her fingers. A sign to ward off evil.

我们将是上帝也是邪魔,和以去反对时间强大洪流,让死者回来到生活。We are to be that God is also a demon, and with going against the time mighty torrent , let the dead come back to life.